Atlas Obscura: Built in 1878 at the behest of philanthropist George Peabody, the library was originally part of an arts and culture institute–America’s first music conservatory–that he created to be available to the people of his beloved Baltimore. Peabody is still among the world’s finest music schools, graduating many of classical music’s finest performers, teachers, and composers.

The space was designed with a huge open air atrium at its core with each level of the library overlooking the central space. It is outfitted in ornate railings and patterned marble floors and naturally lit in the daytime by a criss-crossed skylight six floors above the hall. The beautiful and cavernous space was described fittingly described as a “cathedral of books.” more here
Could you read Heinlein there? I’d be good wit dat.
Now that’s what I call a beautiful library. I could get lost in there and never come out. I’d rather have a book than watch TV any day but I’m old school and like to read and think. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on most of the mindless garbage on TV, reading a book is almost a spiritual experience, TV is like wallowing through a pig sty of endless, moronic garbage.
By now I think the word ‘TV’ is actually a verb. A nasty verb.
“Don’t TV me, bro!”
The Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock claims to be modeled after the Peabody. That piece of propaganda spouting crap looks more like a three story double wide.
Just be sure to get the hell out of there before dark.
Interesting. But why is it here? To show us that there is something worth saving in Ballimer?
TV a verb?
“I hope I make it to the bathroom before I TV my pants.”
That sure is a beautiful library.
It must be true that TV is synonymous with shit. Because that’s what’s mostly on TV, especially commercials.
All that’s needed is a keg in the corner and a big loud stereo with old school JBLs playing Nugent, Zeppelin and maybe Sabbath and that looks like a great party house.
That layout is just a giant chimney! They’re killing at least a thousand babies a year with the energy waste! Why doesn’t someone in Baltimore condemn that abomination, for the local good, shut off all the toxic utilities, and turn it into something good? Like a homeless/refugee camp.
How fitting that this amazing resource, in our culture, has been closed to actual academic use, and instead made available for use as a movie backdrop and event space.
Reminds me of all the ignorant, low info pajama boy voters wearing the obligatory plastic frame trendy nerd glasses. (Sorry, it’s a pet peeve of mine, and I’m working to get over it.) Create the appearance of intellect, without making any effort to learn.
Can you imagine how noisy it is? You couldn’t close a book without it echoing throughout the cavernous space.
Shhhhhhhhhh > shhhhhhh > shhhhhhh > shhhhhhh
Nice…but not as nice as the Sherman & Peabody Library.
Where did they put the wayback machine?
I wonder how much it would take to get my house to look like a scaled down version of that? (lust lust lust)