The Georgia swamp is already scared of the audit that is about to occur in Fulton County by the order of Judge Amero.

The Georgia swamp is already scared of the audit that is about to occur in Fulton County by the order of Judge Amero.
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Won’t change a damn thing. They can provide UNDENIABLE PROOF that the Dems cheated in EVERY STATE and that Trump won in a landslide and NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
NOBODY is going to do a damn thing to ANYONE involved with the cheating and HELL will freeze over before ANYONE who was elected as a result of this fraud is removed from office. TINVOWOOT. We are NOT voting our way out of the communism the left is GOING TO FORCE ON US. Want to remain free? Pick up a gun and KILL A COMMIE/DEMONRAT…..the terms are synonymous.
It would do my heart good if these cheaters would do some hard time but that might be to much to ask for, but aI’ll ask anyway!
“Hard time” my ass, hang the bastards. Hang any one convicted of any election tampering what so ever. I mean every Goddamned one of them irrespective of the magnitude of the part they played. Hang them.
“Won’t change a damn thing.”
We should just quit. Turn in our guns and obey. Fuck me I hate quitters.
Why are these audits not getting the coverage they deserve? The stuff I’m seeing on the sites that are off the beaten path is HUGE. But, unless I’m missing it, nada on FNC (have they completely jumped the shark), etc. This should be front and center, but isn’t. I did see the insane lunatic Scarborough rant, telling anyone who believes the fraud should leave the USA now and be replaced by immigrants, but the crickets are definitely deafening.
WTFO, this makes no sense. This shit is historical.
This is why the Left wants American History “revised” or simply not taught in their skools. Tammany Hall, anyone? Boss Tweed? The Prendergast(political) Machine? Do a little reading into the Democrat’s true political history of electioneering fraud. Neither of these two examples are mere aberations on the timeline of America’s history. No, this is the normal mode of Democrat politics. That they would *not* use electronic voting to perpetrate stolen elections is unthinkable. I’m certain that if anyone ever got to the bottom of how and why we vote electronically today, we would find there a Democrat potical machine responsible for every incremental change that brought us to Dominion.
Every lie will and needs to be revealed. What we do with it is up to us.
Never quit, never give in.
An absolute shame that there was no way for Republicans to anticipate cheating and take preventative steps to both prevent it and catch it where it did anyway.
The Democrats are just way too smart to be outsmarted and get caught in time to stop them reaching their goals.
“… no way for Republicans to anticipate cheating …”
Are you kidding? Even the frikkin plumber knew the election was gonna be stolen!
Everybody paying the least bit of attention knew it since Obola stole his second term! The Republicans are COMPLICIT in this particular TREASON!
izlamo delenda est …
realizing the results of the audits won’t change a thing is not quitting, it’s living in the real world.
it doesn’t mean we still don’t have the means to change things but remember it will take 50 years before we can re-educate the last generation of this countries youth about it’s greatness.
and it will take men being men and not being squeamish about what has to happen to keep this great experiment in freedom going.
freedom isn’t free and can only be obtained and kept if you are willing to die for it.
Big mouth Gabe Sterling has gone silent. And no fulminations from Raffensperger. Maybe on the advice of their lawyers? Here’s hoping.
“Why are these audits not getting the coverage they deserve?”
because the state run media’s complicit and in collusion with the cheaters
And how go all of those Dominion lawsuits against the big names who spoke out against them? I reckon that tactic was effective in shutting some people up, but how come the Dominion lawyers aren’t suing the pants off all the auditors who are killing them by a thousand cuts?
I read somewhere that a top Dominion executive testified that his machines use cellular modems. If he swore to this, where did he testify? In one of their ill-conceived lawsuits? Seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes, and we are in the quiet part—at least for the MSM—of the election fraud investigation.
” … it will take 50 years before we can re-educate the last generation of this countries youth … ”
This country doesn’t have 50 years left as this country.
The imposters in the WH should be kicked to the curb.
Whatever happened to the investigation into…..
the telecomm data center that blew up in Nashville….?
JDHasty May 23, 2021 at 1:25 am
“Hard time” my ass, hang the bastards.
I think some of those sexually depraved men in prison will give them a hard time. At least that’s my hope.
Behizy reminds me of Tucker. No, not THAT Tucker. Chris Tucker in, “The Fifth Element.” IMDB is useless, so look up, ‘”chris tucker” “fifth element”‘ on Google and click the images button. Ruby Rhod, (Tucker’s character,) is impossible to forget.
“freedom isn’t free and can only be obtained and kept if you are willing to die for it.”
So far, nobody seems willing to die for it.
Posting obscure comments about it is all anyone’s willing to do and probably all anyone is going to be willing to do.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Sick and fucking tired of this whole “Justice is just around the corner” schtick… Been going on for five goddamn years now, and justice has been absent pretty much the entire fucking time. Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Harris are all in power. Evil won and still seems to be on a roll.
“Yes! to this thought I hold
with firm persistence;
The last result of wisdom stamps it true,
He only earns his freedom and existence,
Who daily conquers it anew.”
(“Faust” Goethe)
izlamo delenda est …