The Girl With Six Identities – IOTW Report

The Girl With Six Identities

One picture fits all, apparently.

8 Comments on The Girl With Six Identities

  1. I don’t know who to trust: Hollywood, or Pallywood. Or neither one, maybe. They’re both full of steaming pikes of manipulative bullshit, as far as I can tell. Why are we putting Americans at risk in such things as “Operation Prosperity Guardian”? For the sake of all sorts of deceivers?

    Although I reckon I should be encouraged by the fact that the Pentagram didn’t call it some “Opetation Freedom Guardian” nonsense. They’re getting down to brass tacks and admitting that it’s all about the money. I’d say that the shit is getting real. Really fast.

    Did you lnow that our navy cannot replenish its missile supplies at sea, and must return to a friendly port to do so? I did not know that until last week. Good luck with that Great White Fleet stuff in the Red Sea. Just telling it like it is.

  2. The koran, a book of lies, demands that its adherents lie.
    A lying bunch of maggots tied to a lying “religion” supported by lying liars all over the world.

    Satan is the father of all lies; thus ALL liars are sons of Satan.
    If a “religion” sanctions lies, then that “religion” is a “religion” of Satan.
    And that includes politics.
    A “half-truth” or a “spin” is flat perjury – thus; the dissembling, evading, and/or deflecting politician is a disciple of Satan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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