The glamorization of evil – IOTW Report

The glamorization of evil

“. . . leftists are morally disordered people . . . . perhaps the best way to prepare yourself for contending with them is to pretend you’re dealing with Satan.”

— Selwyn Duke


The Aspen Beat:

Satan may not be much more to you than a medieval caricature, looming large only in the minds of 17th century Puritans. The European Enlightenment, after all, disinfected such bogeymen with the light of Reason.

But one is tempted to ask, to what end? As Goethe wryly observed in Faust, thanks to The Enlightenment “The Evil One is gone, the evil ones remain.”

Who is this dude Satan? Jesus spoke of him a lot. As told by Matthew, he’s the subject of Christ’s first two parables. The second is particularly chilling, reading like the original screenplay for The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

One day a farmer is beset by workers dismayed at weeds resembling wheat that have come up. When questioned about the weeds, the farmer replies, “An enemy has done this.”

And there you have it. The imposters, who rob the productive, life-giving wheat of water and nutrients, have infiltrated the field, looking too much like wheat to weed them out. Only after the harvest, says the farmer, can the weeds be sorted, bundled, and thrown into “the fires of Gehenna.” (Yes, Jesus also spoke a great deal about hell.) more

16 Comments on The glamorization of evil

  1. I don’t pretend. I know for a fact that I’m dealing with Satan when dealing with democrats. They are an evil party dedicated to all the things Satan holds dear… lies… greed… perversion… division.

  2. perhaps the best way to prepare yourself for contending with them is to pretend you’re dealing with Satan.”

    I’m WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of you. Only since the early ’80’s. 😇

  3. Where Satan is self-aware, convincing, articulate, and charismatic, leftists are none of these things. They peddle a dead ideology that benefits no one, except the liars that spew it.

    The only thing that Satan shares with these losers is that they are all motivated; Satan to have some company in Hell and the leftists to upend the American experiment and replace it with soul crushing socialism.

  4. The glamming of evil to the wider population seemed to start in the 1950’s and gained a lot of traction in the sick sixties and thereafter, right up to today. As I recall, the first sex scene in a movie (not underground or porno skin flicks) was around 1964, although it happened under the covers. I think Sophia Loren was in it.

    Filmmakers, rock bands, and other assorted “artists” do not realize the monsters they have released. Now there is nothing sacred to them or to perhaps the majority of people in the world.

  5. Nice of the Aspen Beat to catch up with what IOTW patriots have been saying for a decade. Of course we are always ahead of the curve…

    Nonetheless its nice when the word gets out about Lucifers minions.

  6. Satan had better sleep with one eye open because when granny designer ice cream dies & goes to hell, she is gonna bonk Satan over his head with her giant gavel & continue her reign of terror down there.

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