American Thinker:
Sweet meteor of death: Google bigs throw global warming party conference, and 114 carbon-spewing celebrity private jets roll right in
It’s kind of like putting dishes of beer out to trap garden snails.
Google founders Sergei Brin and Larry Page have put on a “conference” for all their celebrity best friends forever, for the virtue-signaling purpose of lecturing the rest of us on global warming. They’d like us to cut back on the air conditioning, end the use of straws, take the public bus, and do away with toilet paper, all to save the Earth.
They flew to the exclusive resort in Sicily for it on 114 carbon-spewing private jets, and an untold number of gargantuan yachts, to get in on the shindig.
And while it was billed as a conference, it looked a lot like a party.
Google’s new motto: “Do No Evil, Just Dick-Slap The Entire Planet”
This sort of thing is not unexpected.
Umm, well actually I was invited and suddenly woke up in a dish of beer……
Great comment by Glenn Reynolds : “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who keep telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis — by making any sort of actual personal sacrifice at all.”
Bill Whittle nailed it a couple years ago. DiCaprio and others won’t give up their private jets to stop global warming, They justify their need for private jets because of global warming.
Why can’t science give up some settled science data showing the exact amount of global warming that was caused by this unholy cabal of dirtbag virtue signalers while getting together to party hardy at Mama Earths expense!
I’ll bet the main party will be in Corleone. It’s fits them perfectly.
Was the Mafia involved somehow since this get together was in Sicily?
I don’t care what they say,
If they spend carbon like they own the factory, there is not much of a crisis. Confucius says to make a better world make a better country, and on and on until to make a better family you must make a better person.
Obviously these gatherings are all about being seen and glad handing their rich friends.
If they actually gave a shit they would all go to a polluted beach somewhere and get photographed picking up trash
What else do our self-appointed “royals” have to do?
The old money Euro-royalty drones at least had the
decency to take up high stakes gambling and racing
cars and left the Hoi Poloi alone.
Except the snails DIE!
no plastic straws, eh?
Hey Claudia! I got a great idea for one of your picture montage thingies – have IOTW’ers send in pics of their straws in drinks at places filled with Leftist outrage.
The royals make me want to blow a huge booger towards Buckingham Palace. I see Prince Harry was there. I didn’t see his silly wife Merkin in the picture.
He is following his mother’s footsteps, jetting all over the world sticking his nose into whatever the cause du jour is.
Americans fought against royalty, and won, in 1776-1781. Yet, here they are, on the cover of Peep-hole and other filthy magazines, staring out at us almost every week.
Disgusting, to say the least.