‘The goalpost keeps moving’ – IOTW Report

‘The goalpost keeps moving’

Critical Analysis of COVID-19 Response.

In episode 37 of Common Sense, we sit down with Dr. Steven Greer who provides a valuable perspective in analyzing our COVID-19 response. As Doctor Greer states in today’s episode, “the goalpost keeps moving.”

21 Comments on ‘The goalpost keeps moving’

  1. If nothing else, democRATs are predictable:
    1) Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    2) Don’t have a good crisis? Make one!
    3) How to keep a good crisis going? Move the goal posts!

  2. Try to imaging the outrage if President Trump had forced COVID patients into nursing homes. Tell me that democRATs and their la famiglia Media wouldn’t be screaming GENOCIDE and FORCED EUTHANASIA! at the top of their collective lungs… and rightfully so! Yet when a democRAT does it, they just sweep the cat shit under the rug! Funny how that works, uh?

  3. Without “Double Standards”, Democrats would have no standards. The ironic nature of that is they don’t see an issue with it. They have self classified that reaction as “Patriotic”.

  4. We should be looking more at what the intended outcome of the “crisis” and shutdown is than at how it is being carried out.

    It has nothing to do with public health or safety.

  5. Libtards are never going to admit they killed those people in nursing homes.

    That’s why it’s necessary for conservative media to fill the airwaves with it, along with how it’s just what the nazis would have done to the jews or something. Make the avg citizen hear this message every hour of every day.

    But no. Conservative media won’t do that. Are they really conservative media?

  6. Governors and mayors shut down their economies.

    Now these governors and mayors say that it is the federal gov’t who should give them money to pay for it.

    lmao. states rights and federal obligation to pay.


  7. The Virus (COVID-19 or any that come after) is being used and honed as an effective political tool… and we all know who the players are. It ain’t over! Not only that, but I would wager that this outcome existed as one of many computer models that were researched by the Chinese as a predictable scenario. No way to prove it (yet), but it is a puzzle piece that fits.
    And I agree with @ David Shawn, the “Conservative Media” had better recognize that this is a war. They need to step up to the firing line and treat it as such!

  8. This shit is gonna keep up until some of these despotic communists are dragged out of their mansions in the middle of the night and hung from trees.

  9. FACT 1: The truth never changes.

    FACT 2: What the democrats-media-lefitists say constantly changes.

    Obvious conclusion: what the democrats-media-leftists say is not the truth.

  10. The Grim Milestones keep moving, too. First they call every death Covid, then they need to hide some actual Covid deaths, and then they start counting all the deaths as Covid again, because they need to make Covid just scary deadly. They are going to be harvesting Covid deaths like Dems in Election Month, until they get a Million Milestone in America.

  11. Pelosi to English Tranlate:

    We will re-open in late November if Trump is removed from office for 1 month to celebrate followed by a lock down for 3 years and 11 months.

  12. Talk about moving the goal posts, somehow Demonrats are of the opinion they represent the party of compassion and caring when they are actually a death cult.

    I will do you one better, liberals are deliberately endangering the elderly in blue states. Compare any blue state to the care and concern (include elderly death rates) of any red state and it’s obvious they consider deaths of the elderly a win-win.

    Lower Medicare costs and fewer Trump voters is their attitude. Remember these are the bastards and bitches that consider the elderly a drain on the environment and resources needed for the welfare state.

    These are the monsters who worship death, and Satan, woe to you if you are a fetus or near the end of your life. Demonrats want you dead. Period.

  13. @the dirtball May 19, 2020 at 8:30 am

    > This shit is gonna keep up until some of these despotic communists are dragged out of their mansions in the middle of the night and hung from trees.

    Oh! Sweet summer child. This shit is gonna keep up until all Party members in good standing, are dragged out of their mansions.

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