The Golden State Scramble – IOTW Report

The Golden State Scramble

PatriotRetort: Uh-oh, spaghetti-o! Things aren’t looking good for our cankled Queen in the Golden State.

What should have been an easy slide to victory in California is getting awfully bumpy. As a result, NBC reported this morning, Hillary is cancelling events in New Jersey to scramble out west hoping to stop the bleeding.


The problem for Hillary is clear. The longer it takes her to shake the unshakable Bernie, the harder it will be for her to regain the ground she is losing to Donald Trump. A Sanders win in California means Bernie ain’t goin’ anywhere.

So, some last-minute campaign changes were made to allow the Dowager Duchess of Chappaqua more time in the Golden State.  MORE

7 Comments on The Golden State Scramble

  1. This will lift her spirits:

    The Rasmussen poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of Democratic voters believe she (Hillary) should keep running even if indicted, a view shared by only 30 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of unaffiliated voters. Overall, 50 percent of those polled said she should keep running.

    The Rule of Law is Dead, with additional slam on Zuckerpig [source]

  2. The democrats will use Hillary past the convention, just to give the appearance of fairness. They dislike her, probably more than law abiding people do.

    After the convention, Obama will drop the hammer (all arranged, complete with blanket pardons waiting).

    Then, in will swoop Brainless Puppet Biden, to save the day, with Locohauntus as VP.

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