The GOP Has Ghosted FBI Whistleblowers – IOTW Report

The GOP Has Ghosted FBI Whistleblowers

Emerald Robinson: Did you think that the GOP establishment was actually going to investigate the FBI? Hey, I know that they promised to really do something about the corruption of our national security state before the midterm elections — but come on people.

Those are campaign promises.

It’s like Kevin McCarthy not having enough votes to become House Speaker — suddenly he promises to subpoena the 50 intelligence agents who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, and he announces this promise at the same time that he’s handing out medals to cops for participating in the January 6th federal insurrection orchestrated by the FBI! MORE

9 Comments on The GOP Has Ghosted FBI Whistleblowers

  1. WHY are RINOs still allowed to remain in the Republican Party???

    Why do ‘republicans’ meekly hold their political position???

    WHY is it that republicans kiss the ass of democrats, refuse to challenge the democrats, avoid confrontation towards the democrats, prefer to ‘roll over’ in favor of the democrats and/or file criminal charges against the democrats???


    Prove me wrong.

  2. When you have RINO appeasers, lacking character or principled integrity in GOP Leadership roles we end up with the establishment go along, get along Gang; McCarthy, McCONnell and McDaniels.
    Not one has followed the will of GOP Voters or the good of the Nation.

  3. You are kinda slow on the uptake if you weren’t already assuming this to be the case. I figured the filthy despicable bastards out when Arlon Sphincter was their front man and on all the Sunday shows. They will dry shave their most reliable base and source of financial support every time the chips are down. They have been conspiring with Democrats in the shadows, smoke filled back rooms and DC bathhouses for decades and Paul Ryan was doing so so transparently he may as well had it on his business cards.

  4. One thing that I have come to realize is that you can predict what the DEMOS are up to but the Re-PUBES will always Surprise NEGATIVELY.

    Same is True in Canuckistan

  5. With the Dems in charge, they do all the work and the Rinos get about 45% of the graft just sitting on their collective asses. They make up the difference by sending out fund raising letters saying if we give a little bit more , they will win the next election. It’s all about the next election. Face it, neither party is on our side. It’s like watching two football teams play, it doesn’t matter which team gets the highest score, the winner is the NFL. Same thing with elections, the uniparty wins.
    I once saw a quote that said “There is nothing wrong with this country that a hundred dead politicians lying in the streets wouldn’t fix”. I pray that it doesn’t come to that.
    I’m a little snarky today, only four cups of coffee.

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