The GOP Is Dead, Long Live American Populism – IOTW Report

The GOP Is Dead, Long Live American Populism

By Andrew Torba | GAB

Today the Texas GOP voted to delete its Gab account after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott falsely maligned Gab as “anti-semitic.” The vote of 35-25 in favor of deleting the Gab account shows that the Texas GOP has an ongoing civil war in the party which is reflective of a much broader situation that is unfolding at the national level in the Republican party.

The GOP has no problem staying on Facebook, the platform that is used in over half of online child sex crimes and had over 20 million cases of child exploitation last year alone. Not to mention the mass censorship of conservatives and Christians that happens on Facebook. The Texas GOP is perfectly fine with that.

Perhaps Gov. Greg Abbott is transforming the Texas GOP into the party of the disgraced Lincoln Project instead of the party of the American People. A poor decision.


23 Comments on The GOP Is Dead, Long Live American Populism

  1. Sad to say, but most politicians are self-righteous, self-serving, diabolical narcissists with delusions of godhood. Pretty much why they stay on and on and on when they’ve outlived any good they could possibly do. Without the adulation and fawning of their sycophants, the cheers of the morons who vote for them, and the back-slapping of those who infuse them monetarily to profit from their corruptions, they evaporate.

    Thus has it always been and thus will it always be.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We will have to emulate the leftists to regain our country. By that I mean we will need to elect Constitution-believing Patriots to our local school boards, local judges positions, election and education boards, etc. The marxists gained their footholds locally; we must fight them on local battlefields first.

  3. I recognized the duplicity of the establishment GOP decades ago and also began to develop my understanding of where/how they fit into the progressive movement’s overall shuck and jive. Over the course of the last decade and a half I have taken a lot of incoming fire from many people on “the right,” but held my ground and defended my position.

    I am now seeing a lot of openness to my thoughts on this topic. Noy that I am some kind of Oracle or anything like that. Observation, looking at the rhetoric and applying Occam’s Razor is what I have relied on, with a strong bias to consider anything being fed to the public as news, when any with any intellect can recognize that it is leading commentary, designed to move an agenda and almost always in a certain direction.

    This was and maybe is still a Christian country that is under attack by Satan’s minions. The Prince of Darkness cannot rest so long as there remains a sliver of light anywhere. Unless the citizens wake up to this fact and lose the notion that the progressive movement is a wicked and evil force and stop conceding “good intentions” to those who have dedicated their efforts to increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death we are doomed as a society. And make no mistake about it, the reason they hate America is because America has been the most efficient engine for reducing innocent suffering, misery and death the world has ever seen. America offends Satan, pleasing their Prince is what motivates the progressive movement and that is a stone cold natural fact, Jack.

    This is a fight between forces of The Good and the forces who oppose The Good and the establishment Republicans have thrown their lot in with the latter. To concede good intentions to them is no longer rational, nor is it Christian to do so.

  4. The RNC sent a letter begging for money and I more or less told them to go PISS UP A ROPE!
    I will no longer support the RINO’s they want in office, I will mail my support directly to the candidates I want to see in office!

  5. Reagan won Texas by over 30 % points. Trump in 2016? ~3% Abbott is reading the tea leaves like any scum pol would rather play to what he believes is the future regardless of anything he could do. Keeping Texas solid red with sane immigration and tax policies was the reason he was elected.

    Inviting woke corporations with their 10s of 1,000s of carefully screened HR employees into Texas is twisting the knife. 10,000 people/month move into the DFW metropolis alone. Ft Worth voted Biden.

    It’s going to go down exactly like CO. A handful of densely populated REgressive counties will, to use an analogy, continue building wind turbines in a state rich with fossil fuels. And the 95% of the state that doesn’t like that can piss up a rope.

  6. Someone at a high level in Texas goobermint (Grand Pappy Manderin used to call it that. LOL!) has been in his RINO wheelchair too long. Can we get Paul Ryan to roll him off a cliff?

  7. Plaantar (like a wart on your foot?), ever been anywhere other than TX metro areas?
    Those are the same as any other metro.
    TX is a big state, if you haven’t visited the good places, you should STFU.

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