The GOP Is Waging War On Patriots in Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

The GOP Is Waging War On Patriots in Pennsylvania

State uniparties are where DC uniparty members are born. No state is safe. None.

Jamie Walsh is a conservative businessman in Northeast Pennsylvania and a candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in that state’s 117th House legislative district. He is taking the fight to the incumbent Mike Cabell in the primary and exposing in particular Cabell’s ties to Kooth, an online “mental health” program that has invaded many Pennsylvania schools.

Kooth feeds transgender ideology to Pennsylvania’s children. It starts them down the road to “gender-affirming” surgery. That’s what we used to call genital mutilation. Cabell is a champion of Kooth and, perhaps not coincidentally, made his money in the mental health business. more

8 Comments on The GOP Is Waging War On Patriots in Pennsylvania

  1. GHWB sent a CubanAmerican Commie to Cal to assassinate the character of all GOP conservatives in the top 3 levels of party. Commie has a name I hope is familiar SUNUNU. his Commie son is a “Bush Republican” and was major fund raiser for Nikky! “Apple does not fall ….!”!

    Cal GOp has put forth the most far left candidates the last 35 years.

    I mentioned here that the 2 “Bush Republican” girls were so far left they made Brown/Gruiesom appear conservative. Many scoffed. So when these 2 “Bush Republicans” were “featured” Biden delegates to the “virtual” convention i repeated my comments with a “TOLD YA SO!”

    Cal is conservative. GOP gets crushed because party is left wing extrem. Gruesome is no way conservative!

    For those not in the west the NeoCommie (Ronny’s term) Bush republican that made Brown look (clearly was not) conservative, “Super Delegate” for Jo was name Meg. I did not vote for her and i know no conservative that did! There are some far left Republicans but not enough to win here in the West. So Meg got crushed.
    But, Like Adam and liz she was very happy to smear a conservative at the Dem “Virtual” convention!If you read Barry’s badly wrote but very informative book, you will understand the GOP “leaders” have tended to be far left for over 120 years!
    I admit I had to attack the book 3 times over decades before I won. But conservative hate is not new to “leaders” of the GOP!

  2. We had a Republican County DA convert to BLM theology just year – thank God he’s no longer running this year (I live in Pa) and you gots to look closely at any Republican running for office here. It’s why I am a registered independent (and yes there are some D politicians that better than R politicians here).


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