The gospel according to the swamp – IOTW Report

The gospel according to the swamp

American Thinker: The swamp has told us that the following events are nothing for us to worry or concern ourselves about.  We deplorables, clinging to our guns and religion, should simply accept these and not question them.

Obama gave 150 billion dollars to Iran.  Iran is the chief sponsor of jihadist terrorism and has sworn to destroy Israel, supports Hamas and Hezb’allah, and will have nuclear weapons.

Obama and Hillary approved the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia.  Hillary received over $150 million to her foundation.  Bill Clinton got speaking gigs in Moscow paying about $500,000.

Trump contacting the Russians to have them vote against the U.N. resolution to condemn Israel in December 2016 warrants an investigation, but not the sale of uranium to the Russians or the gift of $150 billion to Iran.

Hillary and the DNC, through their attorneys, paid Fusion GPS to pay Christopher Steele, a British spy, to manufacture opposition research, using anonymous paid Russians as sources.

This phony report was called a “dossier” to make it sound important.

The dossier was shopped and leaked to the press and also given to John McCain, always ready and willing to stab a Republican, who gave it to the FBI.

John McCain to suffer Urinal Backsplash
John McCain to suffer Urinal Backsplash

Bruce Ohr, the number-four man in the Obama Justice Department, met with the Fusion people and Steele in November 2016, after Trump defeated Hillary.  We are not supposed to know why the Obama DOJ met with Steele.

In October 2016, the Obama Justice Department filed an application for a FISA warrant to spy on the Donald Trump campaign.

It appears that FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the FISA warrant process.  Strzok has been a busy boy.  In spring 2016, he corrected James Comey’s exoneration letter of Hillary, written before Comey had interviewed Hillary, to change the words “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

It seems that Comey was too dumb to realize that the words “grossly negligent” meant that Hillary had violated the law, so Strzok changed the wording.

Evidently, Bill Clinton did not get a copy of the exoneration letter.  Bill wanted to be sure, so he met with Obama’s attorney general, Lynch, by “accident,” at an airport, several days before FBI agent Strzok  questioned Hillary, not under oath.   Why bother to question under oath when the fix is in?  Bubba could have saved himself a trip to the airport.

Hillary lost the election, so she and the swamp blamed the loss on Russian “interference” with our election.  The DNC claims that it was hacked, but it refused to have the FBI inspect its computers, so the FBI accepted the DNC’s assertion that it was hacked.

Trump fired Comey because Comey is basically dumb, dishonest, and incompetent.  Even the Dems wanted Comey fired.  Comey needed a ghostwriter, Strzok, to correctly write an exoneration letter.

Comey illegally leaked a memo to force a special counsel.

On March 2, 2017, Jeff Sessions, our A.G., recused himself from anything dealing with “Russia.”  We learned on December 8, 2017 that Sessions was cleared on March 7, 2017 of any improper “contact with the Russians.”  But Sessions has not un-recused himself.  read more

13 Comments on The gospel according to the swamp

  1. Trump’s reformed FBI needs to have detailed instructions to Disbelieve all Democrat Claims, and Immediately turn the tables and investigate the Dem’s for that very offense !

  2. Extremely well written article outlining many of the criminal and questionable activities of the Obama Administration, State Department, DOJ and the FBI.

    Yet here we are, Sessions will not confirm or deny anything of substance regarding the illegal activities of those he has served with for decades.

    The deep state establishment is the “dark” state where evil intentions are paramount and unpunished.

    When Moore becomes the Senator from Alabama would be a good time to replace Chihuahua Sessions with a legal pitbull.

  3. Yup, that about sums it all up.

    I bet Prager could make a 5 minute video out of what is taking the Congress over a year (and more) to figure out. How much time do these people spend every year just overseeing each other and jumping in and out of rabbit holes? The Administrative State (Deep State) runs the country and the Congress spends its time in oversight committees, at the Congressional gym and in the dining rooms. What a racket.

  4. I copied and pasted to “Search the web” the first two facts and the first links are to Snopes and Fact Check (whatever they call it) saying that those were Trump’s lies.

    That’s all people see.

  5. Extremely well written summary of what has really been going on with the remnants of the Obama/Clinton fundamental transformers and swamp dwellers. I continue to believe that this is eventually going to blow back on all of the perpetrators of this outrageous crime. If this phony Russian collusion claim hadn’t been foisted on the Trump Presidency, most of these career weasels wouldn’t have been exposed. More bad things are coming their way than Trump’s.

  6. In January 1997, the Wall Street Journal ran a two-page op-ed (that coulee be hung like a poster) with a nice, separate summation of each of the Clinton scandals.

    If only someone would do the same for the “scandal-free” Obama tenure

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