The Great California Exodus – IOTW Report

The Great California Exodus German author Franz Kafka wrote in The Metamorphosis, “There is an infinite amount of hope in the universe…but not for us.” The legendary writer might as well have been writing about the state of California, a progressive wasteland that is the personification of everything wrong with leftist orthodoxy. In the mid-nineteenth century, when it became a state, tens of thousands of people headed west. Today, those with a modicum of judgment and respect for their pocketbook are heading anywhere that is not named California, attempting to flee the incompetent mismanagement of Governor Gavin Newsom and his Democratic friends in Sacramento on every subject, from the economy to civil liberties.

The Exodus: A Primer

 California may be the most populous state in the Union, but it could transform into the exodus capital of America. The Golden State has witnessed its population stall, declining slightly from 39.96 million to 39.78 million in the second half of 2019, according to the Department of Finance.

Growth has slowed close to zero or even declined in most coastal counties. The San Francisco Bay Area advanced, and counties east of Los Angeles witnessed modest growth. However, Los Angeles County shed residents for the second consecutive year in 2019. It is unclear how severe the population drop is in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic and the state government’s proposed tax hikes.

Contrary to internet mythos, it is not only high-income earners who are packing up their things and saying goodbye to Newsom. Studies, including one from the Public Policy Institute of California and another by the Empire Center for Public Policy, have found that poorer households are more likely to flee than their affluent counterparts. But considering the policing being proposed or enacted, it is safe to say that the wealthy have no reason to be some of the left behinds. read more

31 Comments on The Great California Exodus

  1. Those leaving California should be considered as an invading army invading the United States with the intent of changing it into California.

    They seem to be making great strides toward this end everywhere they have invaded so far and are likely to continue with their victories as they spread their attack in the future.


  2. Get out while you can!

    “Perhaps in an effort to avoid the consequences of imposing ever-increasing tax burdens on their taxpayers, the wealth tax proposal includes an exit tax to ensure that no one escapes the loving embrace of the California Franchise Tax Board. A person subject to the tax who chooses to leave the state will still be subject to it for ten years, at a sliding scale, amounting to a 1.80 percent exit tax…”

    Sure, it’s only a proposed tax and would only affect the really wealthy, but how much unbelievably stupid shit proposed a decade ago is actual law in CA now?

  3. This was all true before the lockdown. Now with this major drop in revenue, California is going to be in even deeper trouble. Newsome tried to destroy the economy in hopes of giving Biden an advantage but the destruction is going to show up after the election.

  4. I hope the people leaving California, don’t bring California political beliefs with them, I hope they learned something. I’d hate for them to transform other areas into California.

  5. The Calif. governor isn’t as stupid as he appears to be. His purpose is to drive a lot of residents out of the state. The majority will be liberals so they can turn their new state of residence into a blue state. Leftist are real slow learners. They won’t learn anything from what they did to Calif. that forced them to leave, and the will vote for the same policies and same type of representatives in their new state of residence. Gov Knewsomething is up to something. But disguising it as incompetents.

  6. Funny… if everything Liberal and Socialistic is so great, why are so many getting the hell outta Dodge? In some cases (like LCD) the good people are moving to sanity, but my worst fear is that this Liberal cancer is metastasizing and spreading!

  7. I’m staying and doing my part here in Cali. The military brought me here and I stayed.

    I raised three conservative children here, now I have multiple grandkids and In-Laws that are conservative as well.

    The problem with California is the election process is now totally corrupt with ballot harvesting – it works so well here the Dems want to take it national. Case in Point: Orange county is a red county, but the hag Katie Porter stole the election a few weeks after the election when more votes were found. Now we are bombarded every 15 minutes with commercials on how honest she is now that she is up for re-election.

    The perverted Katie Hill won the same way, until she had to leave office. She was replaced by a conservative during the special election – the Dems couldn’t get the harvesters up in time.

    SoCal politics – there are more conservatives here than you think!

  8. What’s amazing is that there are still 39.78 million!
    If nothing else, the people (humans) still in CA should ship their wealth somewhere relatively safe. Not much you can do about land, and if the past is prologue, landowners will have to start selling their properties to pay their taxes. Comes a point where there are no buyers (see England and France) and then the land is confiscated by the gov’t parasites to be re-distributed to the gov’t parasites and their cronies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. i noticed one of our local uhauls is stuffed with about 40 trucks of various sizes and another couple dozen trailers. Its a sellers market here for real estate.

  10. @Ongineer:
    OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 10:11 AM
    “I hope the people leaving California, don’t bring California political beliefs with them, I hope they learned something. I’d hate for them to transform other areas into California“

    Oh, They will, and that’s just the half of it. They sell their 1200 sq ft, 2 bedroom dingbat house in Reseda for 3/4 million, and hyper-inflate the real estate market in whatever area they move to in another state. Been watching it happen here for years, and it has picked up steam in the last year.

  11. The reason people are leaving is they hate leftist morons, they want freedom not socialism. Those who leave do not want to evangelize California socialism, they are anti California socialism.

  12. Extirpates: Lovely thought. Hate to burst your bubble, but take a look at what happened/is happening in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, and Texas.

  13. Tony R

    I hate to burst your bubble. To much real estate, not enough Californians. You ran out of Californians to blame for your problems long ago. And on top of that, most these transient Californians moved to California from the east coast.

  14. Are these the ones here in Texas gleefully saying we’re turning blue? Stay the hell out if you can’t be honest that YOU caused California’s problems in the first place.

  15. Consider this; I live in what was perhaps the reddest county in the state of Texas, which has nearly doubled in population in the last 5 years. In 2018 my army veteran, conservative Republican state congressman, who spent money on advertising to obnoxious levels lost to an unknown Democrat who spent 0, not even on roadsigns. This leads me to believe that most of not all of our newcomers reflexively voted democrat. Incidentally, my U.S. Congressman squeaked by his reelection, which is usually a reliable landslide. Californication IS happening.

  16. Texas is going to end up like CO. Most of the area of the state is conservative but a few heavily populated counties will be running the show.

    I lived in the most conservative part of the state, w Texas. Does not matter. There are huge solar farms and 1,000s of windmills. And their numbers are increasing. At a time when fracking and new oil discoveries are at an all time high even with a depressed price of oil.

    Why is that?

    I don’t care where they are coming from but in the DFW area alone, 10,000 NEW residents relocate there, from out of state, every month. They are changing the demographics of the state.

    On top of that, every county adjacent to Mexico is blue. Gee I wonder why the fuck that is.

    Telling them with ads and billboards not to use their vote to turn Texas into what they were leaving is only an incentive.

    Luckily for the foreseeable future, Little Rock and Jonesboro just don’t have that Dallas cache.

  17. Cal resident

    Not at all. I love in se LA country. Strong conservative! President Ronny got almost 100% more than the liberal/leftist GWB ; 80% compared to 41%.

    I walk my dog at least 1 time a day. Never wear a mask. And 80% of the folk I see no mask! Still conservative,

    If the GWB folk controlling the state GOP ever allowed a conservative to get open the ballot the Dem would be out!

  18. Throw a good apple into a barrel of rotten apples and the good apple rots.
    Throw a rotten apple into a barrel of good apples and they ALL rot.

    Something about entropy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. Follow the money; income, low costs/taxes; and greater potential for home ownership are the compelling reasons to leave CA; I doubt the liberals who leave recognize why that is; just going for greener pastures.
    Like any other herd.

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