The Great Disrupter – IOTW Report

The Great Disrupter

Dan Bongino:

Remember when Donald J. Trump was a great boss, a great father, and a great businessman before the liberal media rewrote that narrative? That’s still the real Trump.

He is certainly not your regular politician, everyone knows that. But the level of opprobrium heaped upon him is astonishing. Its water off a duck’s back to him, of course, because he’s a street fighter in the purest sense and brings with him a level of ferocity that the political world just can’t fathom.

Terrorism, rocketing illegal immigration, economic conflict with China and others, these are the existential issues that leave America in a perilous position in what is a very dangerous world. Globalism is under attack on every continent as a consequence and it’s about time that the United States had a president that put the nation first. This is what these times demand.

Few people know how capable he is in these situations, but we do. I have worked alongside him, day in, day out, for more than a dozen years and my co-author, Damian Bates, has known him for over a decade, too, reporting on his business dealings.

I remember well the day I was sitting in the Oval Office and he was speaking of all those so-called biographers and experts who spent little more than 30 minutes with him and then claimed to know him intimately. I chimed in that maybe I should do a book on him, half in jest, and he said: “Yeah, I think that’s a great idea; you can be my biographer!” And so, The Real Deal was born.

He’s intense, he’s demanding, but it’s all driven by his passion to deliver an end product that people love. And yes, I’ve been in his firing line once or twice in my career! But his approach is quite simple really. Early on in my The Trump Organization career, after a long, hard day on a construction project, the two of us were walking alone across the site, and he reflected upon a question that he was often asked: “How did you achieve your success?”

It was a simple response but one that I think about often. “I look around, I see what people want and I give it to them.” more here

8 Comments on The Great Disrupter

  1. “Too many politicians think that they know best, that they don’t need to listen to the people and acknowledge that things aren’t how they should be. President Trump does listen and is prepared to talk about – and tackle – some fairly contentious issues and change his position if need be to make sure the best outcome is achieved. Yes, he’s a brawler and is not interested in wrapping the answers in sophisticated language that appeals to the legislators. He’s focused on giving you the results you want. He uses chaos, the media, and a single-minded focus to achieve things everyone else said were impossible.”

    anyone remember the HBO serie ‘Rome’? … Julius Caesar was exactly the same … to PDT … ‘beware the Ides of March’

  2. Those in Washington have created a very comfortable world for themselves at the expense of the public. Thanks to this man the entire country has been given a look at how corrupt and disfunctional it is.
    He came along as this republic was taking it’s last gasps and although the future is uncertain he’s given us a fighting chance to save ourselves.

  3. President Trump has been a real blessing to this country. At no time in the history of Presidents that I can remember (since Eisenhower) have we had someone who has been able to reveal the true face of Washington (Republicans and democRATs) along with their complicit cohorts in the Media like Donald J Trump! The Swamp is wide and deep, boiling with hatred for DJT for upsetting their schweet, over-taxed-payer wonderland and in the process has showed us who is on the side of The Constitution and continues to demonstrate the lock-step stupidity of democRATs! There not one of these Rats who isn’t a disingenuous, pandering, lying, cheating, scheming, manipulating degenerate who will do anything, take money from anyone and say anything for a vote!
    But who knew when we elected him that DJT wuz a master at playing the flute as he heads toward the Potomac! 🙂

  4. TRF: “But who knew when we elected him that DJT wuz a master at playing the flute as he heads toward the Potomac! 🙂”

    Many of us did. He was never a hail Mary vote to me. He can play the flute (fife) and the drum — and the entire string section, too. 🙂

    VDH has latched on to this romantic idea that Trump will be remembered as “The Tragic Hero”, that somehow Trump is a sort of King Kong character who tries to save Fey Wray (America), but who is grossly mis-characterized as a rampaging ape who lacks a frontal lobe and needs to be destroyed. “Twas beauty killed the beast.” Hanson gets so much right, it’s weird how he gets this so wrong. And, unfortunately, I suggest our intellectual friend is underestimating the mental capacities of those who fight for and support #45. So many are still getting it wrong.

  5. Well I always agree with you Double A, but Donald Trump was not a Hail Mary vote for me either. I spotted the unrest in the Republican camp early on when we put Republicans as the majority in the Congress in 2012… and they did nothing. Then in 2014 we gave the majority of the Senate to the Republicans… and they did nothing! That right there I believe was the turning point for many to make the decision to let a businessman run for President. Enough with the status quo! Having said that I don’t think there are many who were able to predict the extreme degree of derangement that we see today in the democRAT party AND the complicit Media with the silent coup and the outright, bald-faced lying. I mean I know they’re nutz, but I didn’t think they were THIS nutz!!


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