The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster’ – IOTW Report

The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster’

National Pulse:

The exclusive transcript of an interview conducted by War Room show host and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop. The National Pulse is publishing the interview – which primarily concerns the Catholic Church, the deep state, and the key actors involved – without edits. 

BannonNow that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the “children of light” of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime?

Vigano: The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio.

The complicity of Bergoglio’s deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990’s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months. Read all

4 Comments on The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster’

  1. Maybe this is a good sign. It was Vigano who pointed directly at Theodore McCarrick, in a no-longer-can-be-ignored sort of way, resulting in the dirty pedophile’s dismissal not only from the position of most powerful Cardinal in this country, but from the clergy.

    @MJA: There are many who appreciate Vigano’s bravery; few who will risk everything and endorse him publicly. And there are so many swamp clergy and church careerists who are terrified that their silence and cowardice over the years will come to light… which is why a lot of them are calling Vigano crazy. (Hmmm… Maybe Lin Wood isn’t crazy either…)

  2. Pray hard. The Rosary is THE weapon to defeat this cabal.

    For a riveting talk on Mary and “the weapon” that has defeated Muslim hordes and other enemies of the church, check out this and other videos by Fr. Donald Calloway, born into a secular family and living a life on the razor’s edge (plus being thrown out of Japan, literally) before seeing life-changing visions of Mary and Satan.


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