The great weasel-word gaslight: The Jan. 6 commission finds nothing on Trump – IOTW Report

The great weasel-word gaslight: The Jan. 6 commission finds nothing on Trump

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 commission is starting to look stupid. 

Like the clown’s outfit that tried to pin impeachment articles on President Trump over utterly nothing, as well as the grotesque fabulists of the Steele dossier who invented and peddled outright lies to manipulate U.S. law enforcement into taking action against Trump, there’s no there there, zero substance, and as the truth gets out, they once again look like an awfully sorry bunch.

They’ve been trying for years to “prove” that Trump is guilty of something, and this current Jan. 6 effort is once again demonstrating their capacity for pratfalls.

Here are two breathy headlines that ran in the last couple of days from the New York Times:

Breaking News: In a court filing, the Jan. 6 panel said there was evidence to conclude that Donald Trump may have committed crimes to try to stay in office.

May?  Did I just see the word “may” in that March 2 headline?  What’s the counterpart of “may”?  Yes, the term is “may not” — which means they don’t know for sure.  Commissions like this are appointed to supposedly sort out the facts and come to a jury-like conclusion.  If all they can conclude from this joke investigation, which has excluded significant witnesses and details in the interest of promoting the Democrat agenda, is the word “may” — and its invisible counterpart “may not” — then they don’t have jack.

But wait, they are still trying.  Here’s their March 3 weasel word of the day: more

16 Comments on The great weasel-word gaslight: The Jan. 6 commission finds nothing on Trump

  1. Liz will go after Don as long as she has a seat. Which means AT LEAST 11 MORE MONTHS. Depending on if conservative can change the voting law that allow non Republicans to vote in nRepublican elections.

    For those not paying attention GWB ane Karl Marx err Rove have been working hard to get Dems. – YES I SAY DEMS – TO REGISTER ELECTION DAY AS “R” AND VOTE LIZ.

  2. “Lead in the head”, Anonymous? Are you inciting an assassination of POTUS Trump? That’s what you’ve written. Or perhaps you are signalling that you are the prospective assassin. This is something over which I think I ought to alert law enforcement. Seriously. No matter what you think of Trump, he’s still a federal protectee under law and threatening to kill him is a federal crime.

    I don’t make threats, idle or otherwise.

  3. You should worry about what you wrote, Anonymous. At least three stupid men, from Dallas, Florida, and just in the last month from NY, were arrested for writing and/or saying the same thing on social media (including blogs). The Dallas guy got 18 months. Threatening or inciting others to assassinate the POTUS is not protected speech.

  4. @AbigailAdams March 5, 2022 at 1:02 pm

    > a federal crime

    The ghosts of Ruby Ridge… Julian Assange… the toys of January 6th… all thank you. For you’re pedestal licking.

  5. And in case I haven’t made myself or the law abundantly clear, Anonymous:

    Threatening the President of the United States:
    Threatening the president of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making “any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the President of the United States”. The law also includes presidential candidates, vice presidents, and former presidents. The United States Secret Service investigates suspected violations of this law and monitors those who have a history of threatening the president. Threatening the president is considered a political offense. Immigrants who commit this crime can be deported.

  6. @Not that Anonymous — are you also in agreement with Anonymous?

    My “pedestal licking”, as you ignorantly characterize it, is for the Constitution. Maybe it’s a document and a history you should get down on your knees and thank God Almighty for.

  7. Jan. 6 commission is starting to look stupid

    This is Helen Keller, insulting The Special Olympics.

    Anyone who, even implies, that a Congressional commission… committee… cornucopia… isn’t a stupid con… a con for the stupid… is too dumb to be trifled about.

  8. @AbigailAdams March 5, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    > the Constitution. Maybe it’s a document and a history you should get down on your knees and thank God Almighty for.

    Licking harder, won’t polish that… point?… any brighter.

    Insisting that some… any… dead, imaginary, super-natural… power, invokes your wrath… so take it up with them… is Congressional level lying.

  9. @an ol exJarhead March 5, 2022 at 9:18 am


    Jurassic Park was just a movie. The stegosaurs, the cavalry, the men of good conscience… aren’t “coming back”. To voat harderer. The “right way”. This time.

    How many times, are you going to insist, that we must disbelieve your own lying eyes? Was 2020 your “first rodeo”?

    Nobody’s voating their way out of this one. Nobody’s ever voated their way out of any one. Pretending that every, any, one else, should pretend to care about voating, is… just… “special”.

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