The ‘Green New Deal’ can happen to you, too – IOTW Report

The ‘Green New Deal’ can happen to you, too

Tucker Carlson fantastic opening statement… ‘The great Texas climate catastrophe is heading your way’

Later in the show, former Texas governor Rick Perry lost his electricity (live) during the interview. I will be posting that clip in a few hours.

18 Comments on The ‘Green New Deal’ can happen to you, too

  1. Ha! Ironic, because former Governor Perry was the idiot who put his state on the road to where they are today. He was the one who mandated that “green” power sources had to be integrated into the state’s power equation.

  2. As a former Texan, I can only hope that the Texans that paid the ultimate price were liberals.
    Died from CO from a car, or froze to death they did it for their cause.
    They died on THEIR battlefield.

    I lived in Houston in 1989 and we had a freak snowstorm and cold front.
    People died then because you will never fix stupid.
    That said, our power never went out.
    I believe later that winter I was in Grapevine and it was the coldest day I have ever experienced in my life…and it was in TEXAS!

  3. The Green New Deal results in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. Who could possibly have predicted that without even knowing what elements had been proposed in it?

    Oh yea, it was me. All I need to know is if the proponents of any proposed scheme are followers of the “progressive” political philosophy and I can tell you up front that if so, what is to be proposed will by design result in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death if and when implemented. I can make this prediction with unfailing accuracy and if the outcome has ever found my prediction in this regard to be wrong it is a well kept secret. At least if they have any example or examples wherein their political philosophy, when put into practice, has not resulted in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death they are either reluctant to share them with me or upon examination innocent human suffering, misery and death did actually follow implementation of their prescribed agenda.

  4. Look, there are fools out there, elected positions and citizens, who actually believe that the gubmint can manipulate the climate. There are also conniving evil bastards who know it’s a fraud but a great way to fleece the populace for tremendous amounts of money and claim righteousness.
    We are outnumbered by these people, be prepared.

  5. Minus 4° in my little Michigan town. Just got my furnace up and running again after 10 days. Don’t think my alternate heat sources would have been very good in this weather. Stay warm and safe everybody.

  6. 15 F here in South Central Missouri.
    300% more heat than yesterday!
    And only 4″ of snow last night!

    Must be getting on Spring! Or could be Globaloney Warming/Climate Bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Kerry is right about creating more jobs. Just look at all the helicopter pilots employed to dump anti-freezing chemicals on the wind turbines!

    Also, good luck with your electric cars in that kind of cold. The temperatures drain the battery life.

  8. The really scary part about all of this is thus, with Biden in the WH, with Kamala & AOC whispering in his ear. He’ll one day order power providers to shut down full sections of the state’s that did not “vote” for him. For the good of the planet, don’t you know?

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