The Green New Deal Comes to New York – IOTW Report

The Green New Deal Comes to New York

Sultan Knish: A ban on skyscrapers. Wind turbines in the middle of one of the most overcrowded and noisiest cities on earth. Billions in building renovation costs. Stopping natural gas. Shutting down all the power plants.

The Green New Deal is coming to New York City.

“We are going to ban the glass and steel skyscrapers which are inefficient,” Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on MSNBC.

That was the first warning most New Yorkers got of what their radical city government had wrought.

“We’re actually making the Green New Deal come alive here in New York City,” the leftist mayor explained. As if anyone except for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez thought that was a good thing.

The Big Apple has no cows to ban. And without planes, it would be cut off from the rest of the planet. But its version of the Green New Deal will still find dozens of ways to make New Yorkers miserable.

Bill de Blasio claimed that the city would switch completely to ‘renewables’ in only 5 years. That would be a spectacular achievement since neither solar nor wind energy work all that well in New York.

New York ranks 47 out of 50 states in average sunlight hours at only 3.79. It’s windier than it is sunnier, but still only comes in at 28 out of 50 with an average annual windspeed of 0.05 miles per hours. Turbines need winds of 10 miles an hour to start working and city winds are not only erratic, when they blow, they come from different directions, making conventional wind energy setups all but useless.   more

10 Comments on The Green New Deal Comes to New York

  1. Ratchet up the INSANE-O-METER
    another notch.Homeless people on
    bicycles with car alternators {recycled of course}
    could power the city,right ???
    The plans are on utube….

  2. “… city winds are not only erratic, when they blow, they come from different directions, making conventional wind energy setups all but useless.”

    I think he’s counting on the wind emanating from his, & other demonRat politician’s (yes, you AOC) pie-holes

  3. This is the result of the Bloomjerk admin and rezoning. The skyline as most of you know it has changed in only 15 years and I mean radically you would NOT recognize it the Empire state and the Chrysler are now dwarfed.

    Glass allows light to enter into the building for a better quality of life for the average worker but DiCommio does not comprehende this.

    NYC should have came up with a DC rule long time ago, no building over a certain height…it’s beginning to look like a modern day Babel…and we know how THAT turned out…

    Too many dense people in a densely populated small island area BIG problem.

    This for instance is WHY the skyline is jumping cross both Hudson and East rivers.

    I like development and building, I love to see it, BUT smart and human scale is better…albeit in any form of building material is up to the designers/engineers.

    The malls and sprawlatecture across suburbia and bleeding into past suburbia is alarming. Devouring farms.

  4. Leftist never let reality concern them when developing policy. We all know this won’t work. The leftist pols and the leftist voters who elect them are unconcerned with whether or not this works. Their only concern is how it makes them look.

  5. “One of De Blasio’s flunkies estimated that it would take $4 billion in work to meet those targets.”

    How many lives will it take?


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