The Hall Monitors – IOTW Report

The Hall Monitors

Patriot Retort:

One of the most loathsome practices of our so-called “news media” is their insistence on playing the role of hall monitors against Free Speech.

The same people who spent four years clutching their pearls over President Trump’s mythical “threat” to the First Amendment have themselves become a very real threat to the First Amendment.

The coordinated effort to get Fox News off the air.

The embarrassing “troll through social media posts to find something objectionable and then ruin the person” beat.

Famous person or random nobody – it doesn’t matter – these intrepid “reporters” will search you out, expose your wrong-speak, then campaign to have you destroyed.

It really is unbelievable.

12 Comments on The Hall Monitors

  1. Hollywood is socialism, the privileged few at the top. Nerlt all of them can be tied to Weinstein, Epstein, Clintons. Just think how many actors, who have been there a long time, have to know whats going on and choose to be quite.
    Disney has become one of the biggest employer/abuser of children. Disney owns 1/5 of all media. How many Disney execs have been exposed in the past 4 years?

    Top Disney Executive Arrested For Operating Pedophile Ring

    I’m just going to do this.
    For some reason MSM doesn’t cover these.
    Search = Disney, Pedophile

  2. Senior citizens need to ridicule media & keep up the pressure.
    Ruin us? Looks pretty bad for you to go after old people.
    Looks even worse when we kick your young asses!
    At this point, there’s nothing anyone can say that we haven’t already heard…

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