The hate-filled backstory of Sarah “all men are equally garbage in my eyes” Jeong – IOTW Report

The hate-filled backstory of Sarah “all men are equally garbage in my eyes” Jeong

American Spectator:

h/t Diogenes’ Middle Finger

11 Comments on The hate-filled backstory of Sarah “all men are equally garbage in my eyes” Jeong

  1. If a tantrum against the word NO carries on through adulthood and is embraced by a newspaper which is run by brats and published for spoiled brats who also don’t like the word NO, or never heard it, then their collective demise is predictable and perhaps deserved.

    These are children that didn’t get the love and attention and guidance required to help them assimilate into adulthood. Sometimes a swift paddling is required along the way,but mostly living is learned by example.

    Well adjusted kids are raised by well adjusted parents.
    Maladjusted parents also raise a reflection of themselves.

    Sure. We who were raised by totalitarian Christian parents all rebelled a bit. Thou shalt. Thou shalt not.
    Very restrictive. But as we caught up to the wisdom that was offered free of charge over those years. Damn. They were right. It just took a while.

    But pity the kids that are raised to be forever childish by failure parents too cowardly or more likely too childish themselves to put their loin droppings on a path guiding them towards a worthy and satisfying life.

    Sorry. Rant over.

  2. “All men are garbage”. Obviously she was rejected by every man desperate enough to take her on a first (and only) date. can’t imagine any self-respecting heterosexual male putting up with her bullshit for more than 15 seconds.

  3. I think it was Ann Coulter who said it, paraphrasing – Sara forgets old white men were the ones who decided that they would put their lives on the line to keep her country (South Korea) free from the commies.

    But then she graduated from Berkley and Harvard, so the indoctrination is deep in her brain.

  4. Don’t blame the parents, it isn’t always their fault. We ultimately are responsible for our own choices. Adam and Eve rebelled and their Father is perfect.

  5. It would be fitting for her to live out the rest of her days in a pasha’s harem. A pasha that shares his concubines with his many brothers, uncles, and acquaintances. When she opens her mouth to utter a single word (a complaint, an observation, a plea for mercy), she would be beaten like a unwilling, over-burdened mule.

    Only that might rectify her thinking on Christian tolerance and charity, and the liberty and luxury only found in Western Civilization.


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