The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble – IOTW Report

The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

Patriot Retort: So Putin decides to make a backhanded remark about Joe Biden’s declining health, and what does the White House do? They decide to stage a little Healthy Joe optics this morning and it all goes horribly wrong.

Now, I confess, the first dozen times I watched this clip, I laughed.

What can I say? I’m a fan of slapstick.

Say, you want to hear something mind-bogglingly ironic?

26 Comments on The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

  1. Stumblin’ Joe ~ the 21st century version of Three Stooges slapstick … all rolled into one blithering pedophiliac idiot

    … n’yuck, yuck, yuck …. hey Moe, hey Barry!

  2. Maybe someone greased the treads?

    Careful what you hope for. Pres. Harris doesn’t sound like an improvement. Pres. Harris had better hope for quick approval of her VP pick. Pelosi has delusions of grandeur and has proven to be the type that doesn’t worry about optics. If the presidency is within her grasp, she will take it not matter the cost.

  3. The democrats are playing with fire on the world geo-political stage. Tyrants the world over are saying “this is my moment.”

    This shit scares the piss out of me.

  4. List the folks that would grieve the demise of Joey.

    I get none.
    Not Dr Jill, not Hunter, not Kamala, not Barky, not his Priest…

    Sure they’ll all dress in black and preen in church, but grieve? ha!

  5. We should feel guilty for laughing at our Pretendident, but damned, after the nonstop bullshit they broadcast while President Trump actually and PRODUCTIVELY held office, we have an obligation to show how inept the Democrat Party is across the board.

  6. Remember when Barky used to come skittering down those stairs, hands flapping on his limp wrists? I used to wish so hard that he’d take a tumble. Maybe wishes do come true, just not exactly like we planned.

  7. Stolen elections have terrible consequences. President* Dementia Joe is taking down the entire country along with his Non Administration. Things won’t improve with the Installation of Kalamity Harris, they will get much worse. Still, it’s nice to be proven right so early in what Alexis Zorba would recognize as the Full Catastrophe. I’d hate to be a the bottom of those stairs when Poor Joey takes a header coming back after an exhausting flight to Wilmington.

  8. Thirdtwin – or as I used to say: the fancy, flexible, stair-prancing, ankle-grabbing, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, arrogant, flaming Communist-Organizing, Marxist, Muzlim Mallard!

  9. The people at RonCo® are calling Greezy Joe, offering him cash money to star in a commercial for their “Help I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up!” product (as seen on TV!)


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