The historic opportunity awaiting Trump to stabilize Iraq, eventually withdraw troops – IOTW Report

The historic opportunity awaiting Trump to stabilize Iraq, eventually withdraw troops

Just The News: President Trump has long railed against “endless wars,” but for much of his presidency the opportunity to move Iraq toward stability has not presented itself, thwarted by a meddlesome Iran, an ISIS insurgency, economic crisis and populist protests demanding reform.

But starting this week, his administration faces a significant opportunity with the strategic dialogue opening Thursday in Baghdad, which will allow U.S. officials to directly engage with Iraq’s new prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

Iraq has lacked a leader like al-Kadhimi for a long time. A journalist-turned-Cabinet-secretary, al-Kadhimi proved his mettle to the West as Iraq’s intelligence chief during the war on ISIS while delicately balancing a relationship of respect with the Shia Muslims in his country aligned with Iran. more

2 Comments on The historic opportunity awaiting Trump to stabilize Iraq, eventually withdraw troops

  1. In 1922, after attempting to bring order to this Shithole, Great Britain’s Colonial Secretary, Winston S. Churchill, referred to Iraq as an “ungrateful volcano out of which we are in no circumstances going to get anything worth having.” Some things never change.


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