The History of Sex In America, Part 1 – IOTW Report

The History of Sex In America, Part 1

Ann Coulter- Town Hall

 “Spotlight on sexual harassment moves victims to break silence”

 “Women Drawing the Line”

“The Evolving Concept of Sexual Harassment”

Thousands and thousands of headlines like these appeared in newspapers across the country — back in 1991. Spare us the self-righteousness, millennials.

Just as every new generation thinks it discovered sex, refusing to wonder how they came kicking and screaming into the world, apparently the new thing is for every generation to think it discovered sexual harassment.

There have been tectonic shifts in Americans’ attitudes about sex, but the idea of thanking someone by sending him a prostitute with a note in her vagina is of relatively recent vintage. (Hat tip: Hollywood’s Robert Evans!) (For Larry David fans, Evans’ birth name was Robert Shapera.)

These are the major epochs in American sexual history:

1607-1968: Women in America were treated better than any place else on Earth, at any time in history.

1968-1991: Manson Family values swept the nation, with the rise of the Worst Generation. Left-wing men, from senators to hippies, treated women as subjugated beings and sexual playthings.

The Weathermen forced girls into group sex. The Supreme Court granted constitutional protection to the most vile forms of pornography. Hollywood dumped the Hays Code, and promptly went pedal-to-the-metal on movies showing the bright side of the sexual exploitation of women.


Sen. Teddy Kennedy let a girl drown at Chappaquiddick, after driving with his lights off to avoid detection on the way to a late-night extramarital liaison, and then didn’t report the accident for hours, passing houses with their lights on, while he tried to construct an alibi, ending with him asking his cousin to say he was driving.  read more

8 Comments on The History of Sex In America, Part 1

  1. I’ve always wondered how much of America’s destruction could have been avoided if Ted Kennedy were made to legitimately pay for that murder.
    I guess Kennedy had the same Democrat immunity that Hillary receives nowadays. Maybe moreso.

  2. I always was shocked how nobody cared JFK had been married to a Abwehr spy prior to WWII. Joe had the marriage annulled and JFK banished from DC to the Pacific to keep him out of trouble.

  3. Any father like the sleazebag Joe Kennedy who took his young sons to a whorehouse to teach them all about sex needs his fatherhood papers removed immediately. It’s no wonder that the Kennedy boys would fuck anything female because their lousy old man taught them so well, NOT! I despise all the Kennedy’s, they were and are nothing but a bunch of low life womanizing scumbags just like their old man.

  4. Ann Coulter is a jewel. Here she wraps up the entire
    Chappaquiddick tragedy and cover-up in one brief paragraph.
    Last year she told us, correctly, that the only
    fatality in the war against women was Mary Jo Kopechne.
    Last year before the election she was asked by Bill Mahar: “Which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election”?
    Coulter:”Of the declared ones, right now, Donald Trump.”
    The audience howled with laughter, the panel snickered and just shook their (empty) heads, but she sat there stoically, smiling bravely, like Queen Maeve of Ireland. A jewel.

    (BTW. Check out Queen Maeve painting by J.C.Layerdecker. You’ll get my meaning.)

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