“The History of the Intelligence State”  – IOTW Report

4 Comments on “The History of the Intelligence State” 

  1. Although there have been elements of the “intelligence state” from the beginning, it really bloomed with Abraham Lincoln. His agents were ubiquitous and helped him lay waste to the Constitutional limits on executive branch power.

    Now I’ll go listen what Benz has to say about it.

  2. I agree with Uncle AL. The deepstate as we know it started in the 1870s.

    It had always been around but the diffusion of power inherent in our Agrarian society of the time kept it from coalescence until the wealth introduced by mass production, mass banking, and the railroads caused it to centralize in NY.

    With the industrial revolution the concentrated wealth and power of a few prominent families created the intelligence networks to protect their interests.

    DC was still a backwater until the 2O’s when the Federal Reserve, the League of Nations and the Federal income tax came to be post WWI. Then the Great Depression and WW2 gave Roosevelt almost unlimited executive power making Abe look like an amateur.

    That’s when central government exploded with wealth and power and while NY still ran things they were happy to use DC as it’s subsidiary.

    The oligarchs have always run this country but they became truly Satanic in 1870.

    The main goal of government has always been to serve the purposes of Lucifer because the industrialist families have always been Satanic.

    We are in the end of days folk’s. I am hopeful Trump 47 can stem the tide for a couple of decades but eventually Satan will prevail in his dominion.

    We are not here for this life on earth anyway. We are here to love God and live in a state of grace looking to life after death when we shall be wuth the Lord forever…

  3. I kinda thought that the history of Government Intelligence would be something like this:
    To learn more and more about less and less until one day they would know everything there is to know about absolutely nothing at all.

  4. I have been having strange dreams lately and last night’s one was a lulu. Anyway, I found myself in a strange place trying to sleep and wasn’t allowed to sleep by all the odd people surrounding me. And next this I found myself in with a group of well intentioned, nice (supposedly) group of what I assumed to be guilty white liberals having a circle jerk confessing their sins against DEI. When they called my name out, they expected that I also would fall in line with their idiotic confessions, but I refused and started telling them all about the great things that God has done in my life over the past 52 years since I was 19 in 1972. They were horrified that I stood up to them with the truth about God and the things that he has done in my life and then cast me out into supposedly utter darkness with vile, nasty, obscene comments and catcalls that I was the real heretic for not believing all their DEI bs. Their evil spirit of intimidation did not work because I immediately knew and realized that I was in the presence of almighty God when I refused to be cowed and intimidated by them because I alone had stood up for God and it threatened their precious leftwing world view. After that, the dream disappeared, and I was able to go back to a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night. There is something going on in the spirit right now that is trying to intimidate Christians, Jews, believers of all kind and seekers after God’s truth to get us to capitulate and give up and accept their evil worldview. I don’t know if it’s just me or many, many other believers who feel this way, but it may be prophetic. I refuse to believe the left’s bs and their evil lies about how bad America sucks and their constant refrain of doom and gloom about the upcoming election and how they think the democraps will win. God has already won, and they don’t know it and are in for one hell of a comeuppance after the reelection of Donald Trump as our next president. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride but God will prevail over the democraps and their evil plans for America will not prevail. Be of good faith and believe that God is still in charge and refuse to be intimidated by all the leftist bs.

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