The History of the U.S. Navy: American Masterclass with Historian David Barton – IOTW Report

The History of the U.S. Navy: American Masterclass with Historian David Barton

For you veterans and military fans! Historian David Barton goes through the glorious history of the U.S. Navy.

snip: The reason we have a Navy is because of Muslim aggression and Sharia law.

8 Comments on The History of the U.S. Navy: American Masterclass with Historian David Barton

  1. Why is Steven Crowder wearing that ridiculous American flag outfit with gym shorts. The video itself with the explanation of how the US Navy was started was very good but Crowder’s over the top outfit took away from it and bugged me as a veteran, it was totally unprofessional and I’m sorry to say it looked gay.

  2. Navy: “Hey, we got all these cool ass canoes, anybody wanna’ jump off them and fight pirates and shit?

    Marines: “hic…F*CK YEAH!”; falls down face first in public square.:

  3. I have chosen to serve in the United States Navy. America depends on my performance for her survival, and I accept the challenge to set my standards high, placing my country’s well-being above self-interest.

    I will be loyal to my country, its Constitution and laws, and to my shipmates.

    I will be honest in my personal and professional life and encourage my shipmates to do the same.

    I will, to the best of my ability, do the right thing for its own sake, and I am prepared to face pain or death in defense of my country.

    I will be a professional, wearing my uniform with pride and accepting responsibility for my actions.

    I will set excellence as my standard and always strive for ways to make me a better sailor and my crew a better crew.


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