The Horrors of Late Dictator Mugabe’s Legacy in Zimbabwe – IOTW Report

The Horrors of Late Dictator Mugabe’s Legacy in Zimbabwe

At the time of Mugabe’s death, I read a few short lefty articles calling Mugabe a ‘complicated’ man, or writing that his legacy is “complicated.” Basically saying that he was controversial, but
he educated his people and he gave them access to healthcare!
Nowhere in the at-a-glance stories were the words, Torture, Corruption, Famine, or Dictator.

Here’s an article from Breitbart, which lists just five of his atrocities.

Breitbart: The nearly four-decade-long reign of terror at the hands of Zimbabwe’s late dictator Robert Mugabe left behind a trail of rampant corruption, death, gross human right abuses, and famine.

Mugabe died on Thursday in Singapore at the age of 95. He ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist from 1980 to 2017.

Mugabe was an “ex-guerrilla chief who took power after independence from white minority rule in 1980 and presided over a country whose early promise was eroded by economic turmoil and allegations of human rights violations,” the Associated Press (AP) noted.

In November 2017, a coup staged by the military forced the Zimbabwean strongman to resign. He was the oldest head of state and one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders at the time.

Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party remains in power under President Emmerson Mnangagwa, one of the late dictator’s former vice-presidents.

Below are five of the horrors experienced by Zimbabweans during Mugabe’s tenure.


Known as the darkest stain of his legacy, Mugabe sanctioned the massacre of as many as 20,000 mostly ethnic Ndebele people in western Zimbabwe. The carnage came soon after he helped end white colonial rule in the African country in 1980.

The genocide came to be known as Gukurahundi, a Shona language word that is loosely translated to mean the “early rain which washes away the chaff before the spring rains.”

On Thursday, Reuters reported:

Just three years after Zimbabwe’s independence from Britain, Robert Mugabe sent the army’s North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade into Matabeleland to crush dissidents and former guerrillas loyal to liberation war rival Joshua Nkomo.

Over the next two years, human rights groups estimate as many as 20,000 people died in western Zimbabwe, most of them ethnic Ndebele.

Many of the victims were executed, often after being forced to dig their own graves. Others were thrown down wells or disused mine shafts.

Rape, torture, mass beatings and wholesale destruction of villages were also commonplace, according to “Breaking the Silence,” a seminal 1997 report on the episode by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace. more here

19 Comments on The Horrors of Late Dictator Mugabe’s Legacy in Zimbabwe

  1. Anyone want to keep arguing against American Exceptionalism? It’s a miracle on this earth when men choose to make a blueprint for government For, By and Of the People. The alternative is always some variation of Mugabe — just look at the Democrat candidate lineup.

  2. Anonymous SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 AT 12:14 PM
    “If Obama had a father…”

    …he DOES. The one that fathered ALL Democrats, ALL Communists, ALL Socialist, and ALL Islamists…

    …THIS guy…

    …just ask the Lord, HE knows them well…

    “44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.”

    John 8:44-45 King James Version (KJV)

    …sounds like “Obama” and his Democrats to ME…

  3. “… longest-serving leaders at the time …”

    “Serving,” what, exactly?

    I guess the lies are so ingrained in “journalists” that they can’t help themselves but lie about foreign monsters, too.
    Mugabe was a socialist – a communist – a progressive – a liberal – whatever you want to call it this week and did to Zimbabwe EXACTLY what Sanders, Warren, Biden, Schumer, Buttigieg, Hollyweird, Klobuchar, Harris, Gillibrand, O’Rourke, and O’Cortez ( want to do to America.

    WTF? The world isn’t supposed to learn anything from the misrule of these miscreants? Rhodesia (and all of Africa) would have been better off if this thing had been strangled in its crib. Another teaching moment lost due to adherence to the “cause.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The let’s holy grail is health care, because it is government control over life and death and lifestyle – in a very sneaky way.

    So if a dictator provides it, they are given a pass to be ‘complicated’.

    See: weinstein, epstein, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama, etc.


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