The Hot Flash Army – IOTW Report

The Hot Flash Army


23 Comments on The Hot Flash Army

  1. I’ve seen my wife fog her glasses from the inside.
    That’s my queue to haul ass back to the shop.
    My only claim is, “I’ve been married long enough, to know when to be quite”.

  2. How can I be posting too fast when there is a cat laying on one arm, and I have to hold the shift key .while hen pecking with one hand And my cataracts are blrrring the whole thing to boot.

  3. Who would picket the Crisis Pregnancy Centers with these dried out old bags away serving? The supply chain would have to ready itself to transport box wine and cat food to the front by the box car load.

  4. π’žπ“‡π’Άπ’Έπ“€π‘’π“‡FJBπ’·π’Άπ’·π“Ž, I agree! I was ready to do what our teachers used to do and make her wear that gum on the end of her nose! That’s the difference between those Gen X and us Boomers – we were taught manners!

    But, she was right. Get those angry women out there to beat some asses! But hurry before they need hip replacements! πŸ˜‰

  5. LOL! Yeah, I can relate! The gum issue made sense to me, because it fits her agitated character.
    She doesn’t give a crap anymore. She’s been through a lot and ready to rumble. Sometimes you just want to take it out on the bastards causing trouble.

  6. I don’t chew my gum like a starving cow, but I do chew it for menopausal dry mouth.
    I could probably,if not drown, at least waterboard the enemy with the product of my night sweats.
    Set me up with a weapon and my frozen shoulder episodes could keep me aiming for the enemy as long as necessary.
    My mood swings could keep a prisoner off guard.
    One moment he could be thinking he’s being seduced. The next he’s preparing to have a new one ripped on him wider than the Grand Canyon.
    I’ll assist on the night shift, gotta make the insomnia work for me somehow.
    Since the military can accommodate pregnant pilots and the Pretender Bender crowd, I am sure they could come up with a uniform that can accommodate my changing body composition.
    I won’t need period equipment, but the occasional pee pad would be great, since sneezing or coughing has become a hazardous event.
    I’m sure there are other issues that could be used to my benefit in a time of war.
    Oh! The best one yet! I’m not a candidate for HRT, so I come automatically weaponized.
    Just aim me in the direction I need to go and set me off.

  7. That woman from That 70s Show? Not just menopausal. She’s a nurse. Putting up with chaos and bullshit and idiocy all day only to come home to stoned horny idiotic teenagers and a stone faced husband….

    No safe haven of peace for her anywhere. They should all consider themselves lucky she hasn’t killed every one of them with her bare hands.


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