The House Oversight Committee Video: ‘Were Hillary Clinton’s Statements False?’ – IOTW Report

The House Oversight Committee Video: ‘Were Hillary Clinton’s Statements False?’

AmericanMirror: The House Oversight Committee released a damning video of Hillary Clinton “lying” to Congress as leaders pave the way to a potential perjury case. The video is a contrast between Clinton’s statements to the House Oversight Committee and the public statement by FBI director James Comey when he revealed the agency determined Clinton used her private email server to share confidential information, but declined to recommend a prosecution.  MORE

6 Comments on The House Oversight Committee Video: ‘Were Hillary Clinton’s Statements False?’

  1. *Why* make a video?!?
    That’s what pussies do
    who don’t have the balls
    to do what they *can* and *should* do.

    ENOUGH already:

  2. Just fucking stop with these committee bullshit hearings-if I see Gowgy browbeating another witness for no other GD reason but for some highlight video clip, I’ll puke. This shit goes no where.

    There have been a stream of high level bureaucrats parted before Congressional hearings who fucking lied right to their faces or took the 5th.

    First, when someone takes the 5th, you immediately stop the proceedings, get them in a room and grant immunity. If they still refuse to talk, you throw them in jail, If they want to pull a Susan McDougall and sit there forever, so be it. Find them in contempt and give them a couple years. To start.

    A bastard like Kosigen lied right to their faces telling them hard drives were erased(they weren’t) and refused for years to turn over subpoenaed documents. Flat out refused and what’s the hub bub? Oww they’re gonna impeach him. Maybe. He should have been arrested and thrown in jail for what he did with the IRS. If looking at 20 years wouldn’t get him to rat off Obama, then fuck him, enjoy your sentence.

    It’s a fucking kabuki show. We get it. You’re pussies.


    Sure looks like Killary and the globalists plan to take over before the election. Anybody wanna take bets as to what happens in October to our ability to communicate truth via the Internet? Combine this with Obama’s buddy, the moeslem mayor of London, criminalizing “hurtful” speech on the Internet, and you can see what’s coming. Hang on, people, the ride is going to get rough.

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