The human cost of Net Zero – IOTW Report

The human cost of Net Zero

The war on fossil fuels is far more dangerous than climate change.

Spiked: In 2021, Jeremiah Thoronka was making a name for himself in clean-energy technology. The then 21-year-old Durham University masters student had invented a device that uses kinetic energy from traffic and pedestrians to generate electricity. It certainly sounded groundbreaking. In a pilot project in Thoronka’s native Sierra Leone, two devices had apparently provided free electricity to 150 households and 15 schools.

Thoronka’s work clearly impressed awards panel judges. In 2021, he picked up the Commonwealth Youth Award and the Global Student Prize, which was presented to him by filmstar Hugh Jackman at a virtual ceremony, broadcast from the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Thoronka was the man of the moment. There was a profile by the BBC, an invitation to give TED talks and, in May 2022, an audience with the pope. He was celebrated as a green-tech innovator, someone setting a clean-energy example for the world to follow.

The accolades have continued to flow. Last month, at the Green Tech Festival in Berlin, he won the Youngster Green Award for 2023. It was this that prompted German journalist Alexander Wendt to ask if it might all be a little too good to be true. He contacted the organisers of the Youngster Green Award and Greentech Festival to find out a bit more about Thoronka’s pilot project. After all, it sounded incredible. But the organisers said that wouldn’t be possible because the pilot had since been dismantled. He asked if the device was being used anywhere else, and was told that it wasn’t. Wendt even asked if there were any videos, blueprints or other documentation of this unprecedented breakthrough. Again, nothing was forthcoming. In fact, no one could tell him much about the device or the pilot project at all. more here

12 Comments on The human cost of Net Zero

  1. Yeah – free electricity – totally free… that’s the ticket! Give me $50 million and I’ll ship it right out to you. I promise it will save the world.
    I wonder if the people who awarded the $$ and other ‘fabulous prizes’ can even locate the guy now. What a bunch of rubes!! I would venture a guess the P.T. Barnum was wrong – suckers are being born at a faster rate than one a minute and they are in control.

  2. Kind of like the guy who found the golden tablet in his back yard and he buried it again without anybody else seeing it. Then he started a church based on that tablet.

  3. Didn’t Kamalalala Ding Dong explain this to us? It’s not about saving the planet, it’s about reducing the population. The ruling class scum will continue to use fossil fuels, while they force an unproven, unreliable alternative (NOT!) on the plebeians.

  4. Brain Wash at 1:32 pm

    Kind of like the guy who found the golden tablet in his back yard and he buried it again without anybody else seeing it. Then he started a church based on that tablet.

    Yes, we estimated that those golden tablets weighed over 150 lbs, not including the special glasses that it took to read the golden tablets. Joseph also had problems with his legs, he was a cripple. So, how’d he run through the forest with 150# of gold, and he was a cripple. Only explanation I had from an ex-Mormom was “It’s easier to believe a lie than the truth.”

    Off topic, but couldn’t help myself.

  5. Obama, Hillary, Hunter yous guy really really love them deep down, cause their forever embedded in your brains. Bet you have dreams in your sleep about them too.

  6. The Western Elite feel the same way about their own people, just not to the same extent. “Won’t things be so much better if you aren’t allowed to have what we have?”

    A hundred years from now the elites of today be be looked at as some of the most evil people who ever lived. They are just more insidious than those of the past.

  7. “The war on fossil fuels is far more dangerous than climate change”

    I thought they were the same thing. A made up problem by socialists that does not actually exist.

  8. Fossil fuels?
    From dinosaurs right?
    Wow, must of been something back in the day with so many dinosaurs.
    They lie because they are of their father the devil.


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