The Human Slingshot – IOTW Report

The Human Slingshot

Let us know if you’ve tried this.

And please tell us about your injuries.

human slingshot crashes

^ Click for mishaps ^

20 Comments on The Human Slingshot

  1. Heh-almost guaranteed to crack your skull or ribs.

    Double your fun and wear some football pads and a helmut.

    Why not cut it, tie the ends to a couple trees and launch your kid brother into the treetops?

  2. I didn’t see any off-label uses. For instance, how about attaching the slingshot to a couple of poles and pulling it back with a pickup truck with a human projectile (young guy with a beer?) aimed toward an open field.

  3. Many years ago, when I was much younger and believed myself invulnerable if not downright immortal, and after some hours of alcoholic beverage consumption, I might conceivably have tried this thing.

    But it would have had to have been nude mixed doubles.

  4. I can’t imagine what the liability insurance must look like for the people making and marketing this thing. It seems like one of the products that if used as direct will cause injury.

    Reminds me of the old SNL skit with the sleazy toy maker trying to sell broken glass in clear plastic bags to children.

  5. My family did something similar with a tube of spandex at a family reunion a few years ago…..had us laughing at each other ’til we cried. Which led to our new family motto: “It’s only funny until someone gets hurt, then its freaking hysterical!”

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