The Ice Cream Deflection – IOTW Report

The Ice Cream Deflection

Patriot Retort: On October 14, 2020 the New York Post released its blockbuster report about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Four days later, the reporters cover the Biden campaign didn’t have time to ask Joe about it because they were too busy gushing like ‘tweens at a Jonas Brothers concert over Joe visiting an ice cream parlor with his granddaughter.

“Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden! What flavor did you get?!”

Oh, yeah. Way to stay on top of the big stories, guys. Great work.

This ice cream deflection didn’t go unnoticed at the time. more here

18 Comments on The Ice Cream Deflection

  1. President* Obiden Bama would have to drop his ice cream cone on the ground and start lapping it off the concrete before the stenographers from the MSDM begin to question Dementia Joe’s mental ability to manage the job his handlers arranged for him to steal. Tara Reade never comes up either. It’s kind of refreshing to known that Robert Woodward is still working on that big investigation into President Donald J. Trump’s Russian Collusion Caper. In another four years he will be looking into the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation. Then, Woodward has plans to bust open that Russian Uranium One story if he feels really ambitious. They’re all Dementiacrat whores.

  2. I scream, eye stream, I dream, of hive cream?

    The workers bees drone and the illusion is maintained.

    Yes I am one sick puppy who is saying what his mentally ill patients used to say.

  3. When iz Ben & Jerry’s gonna come out with Presidential signature names like “Crooked Road”, “High Coke”, or “Plastic Fantastic” or “Green Money Mint” for Jackass Joe?
    Then there’s Kameltoe… I shudder to think of those flavors!

  4. …you know, there are changes that happen to the vascular systems and skin turgor on the elderly. Skin becomes literally thin, dryer, almost papery, and easy to pierce. Vessels become weaker and somewhat more brittle, with things like long-term alcohol abuse causing varances in the esophagus that can easily bleed out. The trachea and larynx lose resilience and the neck and upper chest muscles wither and contract, leaving the throat in general much more vulnerable to damage. It would not require any sort of weapon to do fatal damage to this exposed area on any elderly man.

    Not saying this in relationship to or relevant to any particular person or for any reason. Just sometimes certain images cause me to make observations like this apropos of nothing. Guess it’s just the comedian in me…


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