The Idea… – IOTW Report

The Idea…

President Joe Biden used the phrase “the idea” 27 times in the 90-minute debate against former President Trump on Thursday.

Biden attempted to resurrect several debunked Democrat talking points — from the “very fine people” hoax to the “suckers and losers” fabrication. But when he was not wide-eyed and stumbling over his own words, Biden stuck to his trusty phrase.

Here are 27 times Biden repeated the phrase “the idea” during the CNN debate.

1. Biden first said the phrase during a Q&A on abortion, which he used to bizarrely downplay illegal immigration crime by stating that women are also raped by in-laws, spouses, brothers, and sisters.

The idea that states are able to do this… is like saying, we’re gonna turn civil rights back to the states that each state have a different rule. Look, there’s so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral, the idea that she was murdered by, by, by an immigrant coming in. They talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women to be raped by their in-laws by their by their spouses, brothers and sisters. By just it’s just ridiculous, and they can do nothing about it.”

2. He made it again during a discussion on the same topic.

The idea that the politicians, the founders wanted the politicians to be the ones making decisions about a woman’s health is ridiculous.”

3. He said the two words during a discussion on illegal immigration.

“I’m not saying no terrorists ever got through, but the idea they’re emptying their prisons … That’s simply not true.”

4 + 5. Biden said it again after Trump said he should apologize for lying about him.

“And number two, the idea, the idea that I have to apologize to you for anything …”

And it continued over a dozen more times.

6. “And you’re gonna pull out of NATO. The idea that we have — our strength lies on our alliances as well.”

7. + 8. “The idea that those people are patriots, come on. And I asked him first two debates we had, in debates we had first time around. I said, ‘Will you denounce the Proud Boys?’ He said, ‘No, I’ll tell them to stand by. The idea, he’s refusing — will you denounce these guys?”

9. + 10. “The idea that I did anything wrong relative to what you’re talking about is outrageous. It’s simply a lie. Number one. Number two, the idea that you have a right to seek retribution against any American just because your president is wrong.”

11. “And the idea that somehow that’s the only reason I ran, I ran because I was worried a guy like this guy could get elected.”

12. “And the idea that he’s talking about all this being fabricated. We saw with our own eyes, we saw what happened on January 6th.”

13. “For example, I provided for the idea that any black family first time homebuyer should get a $10,000 tax credit to be able to buy their first home so they can get started.” more

14 Comments on The Idea…

  1. SOOOOO, I/we, she was still pretty much sleeping, did something we haven’t done in a while. NO NOT THAT. We turned on FOX news early to see what the passive resistance was up to. First up, FOX and Friends. Very pro Trump, shocked at Biden’s mental decline. Including that midget Brian whats his name. Hannity’s girl friend, hard to tell with all the crying. Peter Ducey’s dad, dudes like fucking where’s Waldo. Now the black guy is rock solid Trump guy.
    Nest up, Brett Baer and Parina Dog Chow. Total pro Biden show. It was fing disgusting. The spin was on, full force. They only had pro Biden guests on. I mean WTF? Does Fox cooperate really give these idiots this much latitude?
    Nest up, Harris Faulkner. Murdered Joe Biden on national TV. I love the woman.
    I guess my point is, why is there no common messaging with FOX News? We no they are the enemy. I don’t get it.

  2. “By the way” was probably a close second.

    And KJP, you should have moved on months ago, when they told you to. Nobody would have faulted you for leaving. Now you’re stuck, with “cheap fake” ringing in your ears, doing diaper duty until they pull the plug, and nobody will hire you because you’re arrogantly ignorant and cannot take a hint.

  3. “The idea…” is a catch phrase of socialism. For the left the battleground of ideas is not just a phrase it’s a serious strategy.
    The method is to isolate the opposition’s/enemy’s principles, laws, traditions, mindset or philosophies in a narrative, then question, ridicule or claim those ideologies are untrue.
    Somehow Dementia Joe was able to use that phrase in the correct context. Must have been what his handlers were making him say in his earpiece.

  4. The idea that anyone pretends that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey is President of the United States is astoundingly absurd.

    He and his coterie of thieves, knaves, traitors, enablers, and liars need to be arrested, tried, and (when convicted), executed.
    Along with them, those stupid chanting maggots who are paid to support him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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