The Illegal alien caravan gets flat tire – IOTW Report

The Illegal alien caravan gets flat tire


Migrant caravan treks ‘route of death’ after Mexico denies bus transport.

ISLA, Mexico — Thousands of wary Central American migrants resumed their push through Mexico on Sunday, a day after arguments over the path ahead saw some travelers splinter away from the main caravan, which is entering a treacherous part of its journey.

The majority of the roughly 4,000 migrants are now headed along what some called the “route of death” toward the town of Cordoba, Veracruz, which is about 124 miles (200 kilometers) up the road. The daily trek will be one of the longest yet, as the exhausted group of travelers tries to make progress any way it can.

The arduous trip has already taken its toll.

A day prior, the group was beset by divisions as migrants argued with caravan organizers and criticized Mexican officials before setting out on their own for Puebla and Mexico City.

Some were disappointed after caravan organizers unsuccessfully pleaded for buses after three weeks on the road. Others were angry for being directed northward through the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz, calling it the “route of death.”

A trek via the sugar fields and fruit groves of Veracruz takes them through a state where hundreds of migrants have disappeared in recent years, falling prey to kidnappers looking for ransom payments. MORE

15 Comments on The Illegal alien caravan gets flat tire

  1. These are just the first of millions of Central Americans who are not Americans heading our way. Build the wall, end birthright citizenship, deport the millions of illegal aliens that Clinton, Bush and Obama let invade our country, defend our border, Make America Great Again! Vote like our country depends on it, because it truly does.

  2. Maybe John Kerry can fly James Taylor and Neil Young in to lift their spirits. But everybody had better stay the f–k away from the helicopter, Fifty feet, or the guys don’t even step out the door.

  3. Am I supposed to feel sorry for them? I will concede to feel sorry for the children.

    But the rest? Bwwwwaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Sorry, that was mean. *snicker*


  4. Why do people breed and then find out there is no future? Are the “MEN” responsible for their children or are most of them single who just want “someone'” to give them transportation, food, a job, etc etc . Who fed them this line of BS……… Where is George Soros after their money runs out…

  5. How is it that the millennials didn’t form their own caravan and go to Mexico themselves and bring the caravaners here? How about Pelosi and a hundred others?

    Did they not think or do they not really care about the refugees?

    Just pawns to be used for political purposes, just like they used blacks.

    I read that there are half a million of these refugees already here. We dont know where they are. We’ve already been invaded.

  6. A reality not addressed is that the US is going to have be at war with Mexico, the country actually backing these thousands of military males planning on attacking at the US border. So a declaration of war should be made by Congress against Mexico if it will not stop the intended invasion of our country. The US has had more then enough subversive illegals sneaking into this country illegally. It doesn’t take just a sneak attack like Pearl Harbor to get a country into a war for survival.

  7. Are we suppose to feel sorry for these uneducated stupid people who want to come here illegally? HA! Their country was glad to get rid of them, but, they’ll be sent back, that is if they make it through the route of death.


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