The important thing is that the mouse was cage-free and organic – IOTW Report

The important thing is that the mouse was cage-free and organic


Dead Mouse Found in Subway Sandwich in Oregon.

A Subway customer says he found a dead mouse in a sandwich at a restaurant on the Oregon coast.

Matt Jones says spotting the mouse at the Lincoln City restaurant last week was the funniest thing he ever saw — and the most disgusting.


12 Comments on The important thing is that the mouse was cage-free and organic

  1. “I laughed because I was like, there is no way this just happened,” Jones said. “Hurr durr.”

    Spinach, hey?
    Why not just go Full Retard and order kale on you Sub,?

  2. Yeah, but which half? Would it be a head and upper torso or just a lower torso and a mouse butt and long tail sticking out of the spinach? Either way it’s gross. Popeye wouldn’t even eat that spinach. You might say the whole thing was a Mickey Mouse incident.

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