The inside story of how Bill Barr and Chris Wray refused to go after Antifa – IOTW Report

The inside story of how Bill Barr and Chris Wray refused to go after Antifa

Human Events-

President Trump had had it. The Director of the FBI, Chris Wray, was sitting across from him as the president leaned forward on the Resolute Desk of the Oval Office, arms-crossed. Director Wray shrugged and put his hands in the air like all middle managers do when they don’t have a good response to the boss. He then proceeded to get chewed out because President Trump, or “the Boss” as staff called him, hates when people shrug in response to his questions.

“Antifa, they’re a non-factor,” pleaded Wray, citing the extremism/ domestic terrorism database compiled by FBI analysts working in the cubicle farms of the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

“That’s a damn lie, Chris, and you know it,” shot back the president. “I see this stuff night after night on Twitter. We’ve got Homeland Security up in Portland getting attacked by gangs of these thugs and you’re going to sit there and tell me it’s not happening?”

Wray paused, looking out the window, searching for something to say. “Sir, we’re working on it” he ended up going with.

“We’ll see,” responded the President with his characteristic New York sarcasm.

It was the morning after the October 28, 2020 rallies in Arizona, and the President was putting Wray on notice, as he had many times before, according to interviews I had conducted with multiple administration officials with Oval Office access.

According to a senior White House official of the Trump administration, this was the latest in a series of three occasions that the President and Wray had butted heads over the subject of Antifa. The first time was at the height of the Floyd riots around the country, and the second was during the height of the federal courthouse attacks in Portland. The official told me, “It mostly consisted of Wray playing them down as a minor inconvenience with no real training, even though we know about People’s Protection Units (YPG), or saying the FBI can’t got after a political ideology, or playing them off like a bunch of anarchist LARPers. Wray would say Fox and OAN were exaggerating. He got tag-teamed by the Boss and O’Brien every time, and always promised to come down harder after every scrap but obviously never did.” MORE

17 Comments on The inside story of how Bill Barr and Chris Wray refused to go after Antifa

  1. “Despite the interests of the victims of Antifa violence, the interagency cares little for them, as long as it does nothing to challenge their grasp on power. And, because the interagency has significant overlap with academia who, frankly, are pro-Antifa, this creates and echo chamber which permeates our government.”


    “There is a reason you rarely see Antifa challenge the actual power structure in the United States. Those in power use Antifa as their shock troops to go after anyone who challenges them.”


  2. ^^^^^^ So, another in a long line of shitty appointments made by DJT. For a guy that made a living firing people, he kept this turd (and many more) on waaaaaay too long. Somebody should have told him that as head of the executive, these clowns serve at his leisure, and much like his pardoning Snowden or Assange, he let public perception dictate his behavior.

    OT, Scott Peterson found Not Guilty;

    Maybe this is a good thing, it is a stark reminder that not only are you responsible for your own safety but for your kids as well. Schools do NOT protect, they only indoctrinate.

  3. Chitty appointments? Lets see his administration went thru more personal than any prior President before him. The finger pointing is a joke. It goes with everyone is bad & I’m the only one that is good bullshit. Fired, & how many just said to him, GFY.

  4. Barr and Wray have been “Bush Republicans’ for decades! Still Are “Bush Republicans”!

    GWB himself at a big Biden election rally in Atlanta (Ga is home to 2 other Bush Republicans Kemp-Raffy) 7/00 (2.9 years ago)praised ANTIFA; not by name; but by their riots – UNIPARTY says “peaceful protests”! Right Adam, liz?

    All “Bush Repub;icans” defend ANTIFA; as they do HUNTER’S PARTNER; RIGHT MITCH?

  5. M’kay, some of Trump’s hires were his own fault…and they were gone fairly soon in his admin…least the ones I’m thinking of. Wray was RECOMMENDED by all the so-called right folks. Hugh Hewitt pounded day after day for him to hire Wray…but I’ve come to the conclusion, either Hugh is controlled opposition, or naively trusting in what the Establishment RINOs are pushing. I’d cut Trump slack on Wray. He trusted the GOP Establishment (supposedly same side, right?)…don’t think he’ll be so trusting in the future.

  6. Aunt Liz

    El Rusbo called Hewit out as a “Bush Republican” 20years ago.He is, and has been, for over 50 years UNIPARTY.

    25 years ago Rusbo said “Bush Republicans are democrats!”! Rush was right in 1998 and would still be right in 2023! Hugh is a D pretending to be R!

  7. back when it started i sent a spirited email to my congressman and dhs about why the antifa/ blm criminal activity was not being posted to alert the emergency management system in all states. emergency system was never initiated by department of homeland security. dhs is doing something other than protecting the homeland. never got a reply from dhs or congressman. if dhs cannot or will not protect our country from these meatheads, then defund and abolish. same for any government department who refuses to deliver its core purpose. what are we paying them for?

  8. ^^^^So it’s never ever Trump’s fault, right. And there’s the problem. Inexperience on Donny’s judgment calls. Poor lack of judgment is his calling card, hence blame on everyone else. Thats ok, while his followers buy this others do not. One & done.
    It’ over.

  9. So what you’re saying is having a leader who appoints an ill fit for what the ideals we would like to see represented is comparable to someone like Obama or Bush who is going to appoint some one who from the fucking get go is out to fuck us?

    The result of appointing Bolten might be similar to appointing Panetta or Rumsfeld mostly seen in the pursuit of another endless bombing campaign but at least with DJT, policies like that were for the most part, held at bay. Bolten and Mathis both got the bum’s rush.

    Right now I’m looking at 2 guys that TPTB are scared shitless of and it’s not because they’re afraid that RFK or DJT will pick the “wrong” guy. It’s exactly the opposite.

    So quit your fucking bitching wake the fuck up.


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