The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog, 3/3/16 – IOTW Report

The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog, 3/3/16

11:02: Trump: I’ll bring jobs back like no one else can.

11:01: Cruz: I will have your back.

11:00: Rubio: We must embrace our opportunities.

10:59: Kasich: As President, I will fix the problems in Washington.

10:58: Trump: I’d support the nominee.

10:57: Cruz and Kasich: I’d support Trump if he is the nominee.

10:56: Rubio: I’ll support Trump if he’s the nominee.

10:51: Kasich: “I’m not biting,” I’m not going to answer a question on my own campaign video.

10:49: Cruz: North Korea’s strength comes from the failures of the Clinton Administration.

10:48: Putin said nice things about me. We should get along with Russia. -Trump

10:47: Rubio: All Trump does is attack someone else when pressed on policy issues.

10:46: Trump: Rubio is not a leader, “believe me.”

10:44: Rubio: Foreign policy is not inconsequential.

10:43: Updated Talk Times:
Trump: 24:13
Cruz: 17:04
Kasich: 12:42
Rubio: 10:26

10:39: Rubio: “When you’re done with the yoga, can I answer a question?”

10:38: Trump: Cruz gave us John Roberts.

10:37: Unlike Trump, I’m not going to take a stand against the 2nd Amendment. -Cruz

10:36: Trump: I love the 2nd Amendment.

10:35: Rubio: The 2nd Amendment is not a suggestion, it is a right.

10:35: “Generally speaking” I agree with Cruz on gay marriage. -Trump

10:32: I’d leave adoption and marriage to the state. -Cruz

10:31: Kasich: Sell gays “cupcakes” if they want it.

10:30: Cruz: We need to repeal ObamaCare.

10:28: Cruz: Detroit has been decimated by left-wing policies.

10:25: Kasich: Fixing schools should be done by the states.

10:24: Rubio: Accountability in infrastructure is important.

10:18: Kasich: People are struggling.

10:17: Cruz: That poll that Trump just referenced? Hillary beat him by eight points.

10:16: Trump: I’ve won 10 states.

10:15: Cruz to Trump: “Count to 10, Donald.”

10:15: Cruz: We will have to deal with Trump dealing with a fraud case over the course of the election season.

10:14: Trump: “Little Marco.”

10:13: Trump: Marco Rubio is the real con artist.

10:12: Rubio: Trump is doing to America what he did to Trump U students.

10:11: Rubio: I talked to victims of Trump U.

10:10: Court document says that Trump is a “con artist.”

10:09: Trump fact-checked; BBB gave Trump U a D-, despite Trump saying it was an A.

10:08: Trump: I have a 98% percent approval rate at Trump University.

10:07: Rubio: There is a difference between telling people what they want to hear and having a core.

10:06: Kasich: People want to hear someone and know they can believe it.

10:04: Trump: “I have a very strong core.”

10:02: I was in favor of invading Iraq before I was against it. -Trump

9:56: Trump: I’d get “the best people” to operate my military.

9:55: Cruz: We must prosecute Edward Snowden.

9:53: Cruz: Saying you’ll torture people doesn’t make you a tough guy.

9:51: Trump: The military won’t refuse my illegal orders, “believe me.”

9:49: Kasich: I have experience with foreign policy.

9:48: Rubio: We must deny ISIS operating spaces.

9:47: Cruz: Release the New York Times tapes.

9:47: Trump: Yes I do. It’s legal.

9:46: Rubio: Trump hires from overseas and makes his clothes overseas.

9:45: Trump: I couldn’t find good Americans to work for me at my resort.

9:44: Cruz: Release the tape, Donald. Prove me wrong.

9:43: Cruz: Trump hires foreign workers, not Americans.

9:42: Trump: The border is a disaster, it’s like “Swiss cheese.”

9:41: Trump: I changed my mind, we need to bring in “highly skilled” immigrants to take American jobs.

9:37: Trump: “A little give and take” on immigration “is okay.”

9:35: Rubio: I did the best I could in a liberal Senate led by Harry Reid.

9:34: Trump: I might have said that I was flexible about illegal immigration.

9:33: Trump: “I don’t know what you’re talking about” when you talk about being off the record with the New York Times.

9:32: I supported liberal politicians because I needed to do business. -Trump

9:31: Cruz: Trump wrote four checks to Hillary Clinton in her run for President.

9:30: Cruz: Trump is corrupt.

9:28: Kasich: We shouldn’t increase the minimum wage federally.

9:27: Trump: I have supported Republicans and Democrats so I could use them.

9:26: Cruz: Trump is part of the corruption people are angry about.

9:25: Cruz: You’ll be able to fill out your taxes on a postcard under my plan.

9:24: Trump: I will save hundreds of billions of dollars through “negotiations.”

9:23: Trump: I will take on the pharmaceutical companies because of unfair practices.

9:22: Trump saying “little Marco” over and over again.

9:21: Trump: I’ve built buildings, I didn’t just bankrupt several companies.

9:20: Rubio: All Trump does is attack me instead of answering questions.

9:19: Trump: It’s beneficial to me to have clothes made in other countries.

9:18: Rubio is a liar. -Trump

9:17: Rubio: Trump is a con artist who complains about things going overseas, but Trump creates his closes in China and Mexico.

9:15: Kasich: You all wrote me off because I kept losing. “Now we’re heading north.”

9:13: Kasich: The process is boring to me, but I would beat Hillary Clinton by the most.

9:12: Trump: I’m conservative because I’m winning in the polls.

9:11: Rubio: We are not going to turn over the conservative movement to someone who’s not conservative.

9:10: Cruz: I can beat Donald Trump.

9:08: Cruz: People are struggling under Barack Obama.

9:08: Trump: I have a big penis.

9:07: Trump: Rubio “isn’t that much of a lightweight.”

9:06: Rubio: Trump has mocked everybody. Why the double standard when I do it?

9:04: Trump: I disavow the KKK and David Duke.

9:03: Trump: Romney is a failure.

9:02: Trump gets the first question and it’s about Mitt Romney.

9:00: The debate starts on time.

Welcome to the IOTW GOP debate liveblog. Donald Trump is ahead of the pack with mounting momentum. Tonight could very well be the last shot for rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to stop him from becoming the inevitable nominee. John Kasich will also be there for some reason.

Expect fireworks.

81 Comments on The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog, 3/3/16

  1. Trump’s dead to me based on his NEW Work VISA position. Silicon Valley and keeping the “highly skilled”.

    Yeah like we haven’t been hearing the same crap from the titans of silicon valley. It’s less about “highly skilled” and far more about “cheap”. Cruz should have brought up his wage requirement for VISAs as that coupled with his moratorium and investigation would nip it in the bud.

  2. Thenck you, and thenck you ladies and gentelmens, but first a word from our sponser…Uniroyal, we used to make tires here, but now we don’t and it doesn’t really matter….

  3. notice all the ‘gotchas’ they put up are only directed at Trump….then they ask the other candidates about it

    ….oh yeah, Fox is dumping Romnio …. oh yeah

  4. Illust8r — So sorry — there is 1 debate per week until the November election! They’re not even going to stop at the convention! This is the GOPe’s secret weapon against the electorate! And if we aren’t broken by November, they’re going to continue into 2017! “Vee haff vays off mekking you giff up!”

  5. I wish Trump wouldn’t let little things get under his skin so bad – Or at least don’t show it so much. Tack, sophistication, you know, the little things against the little things that goes far. There’s no substance to keep pointing out polls, we all know them… It feels too much like filler. Kasich and Marco……(gurgle)……..Rubio can please stop wasting our time.

  6. from

    Speaking times thru the third commercial break:

    Donald Trump: 23:53
    Ted Cruz: 11:03
    John Kasich: 9:12
    Marco Rubio: 8:42

    The Fox pig pile on Trump is a double edged sword

  7. Trump is dangerously on a downward slope, thinking getting along with Putin and supporting some restrictions on guns are good policies. Those are not the New York attitudes this country needs.

  8. debate so far…
    Cruz … but Donald, you said….
    Romnio … but Donald, you said…
    Fox panelists … but Donald, you said…
    Kasich …. I’m gonna win …. don’t ask me how
    Trump … I’m gonna win, it’s gonna be yuuuuuugh

  9. Trump is getting exposed tonight. He doesn’t have an answer for much of it.

    Him not releasing tapes is very telling.
    Trump U is a joke
    He is salesman…that is what he does

  10. I worry about how Trump would preform in a debate against Hillary. She doesn’t want to debate really so maybe we’ll be spared that. Cruz vs Hillary would be delightful.

  11. The democrats are prepping the attack now and will have so much more than this on Trump and the media will run cover for Hillary and hammer Trump.

    We need a guy that is a constitutional conservative that doesn’t have questionable business practices, questionable partners and contractor, fraud lawsuits, won’t release tax returns, or tapes with NYT interview, and that has changed positions from decade to decade, year to year, and week to week.

  12. Loved the Yoga comments especially the second part where Cruz tells Rubio you wouldn’t want to see any yoga on this stage and Rubio responds something like “you never know, he’s flexible” point toward Trump.

    That was funny.

  13. Just saw the Drudge poll. 66% say Trump won?? Apparently that 66% wasn’t watching the debate. I am absolutely NOT a Kasich supporter, but in my opinion he was the most on-message tonight. The ADULT on the stage, as it were. I’m a Cruz supporter and I was happy that he stayed out of the majority of the fireworks, but Rubio is toast and Trump annoyed me a bit as well. There is no way that Trump actually “won” the debate tonight. And yes, I also recognize that Fox was hammering him pretty hard. But he needs to get used to it because if he is our nominee, Bret, Megyn, and Chris are gonna look like marshmallows compared to the shit train the Hillary shills will be hammering him with all summer and fall.

  14. @anonymous – do you know Mork personally? How else could you possibly know whether he is a “casual participant” in the economy? And I will never, ever, follow a link to the whackos at conservative treehouse. Personal experience on their tactics.

  15. Anonymous, WTF is a “casual participant in the economy”? And, you know absolutely ZERO about me. If you actually watched tonight’s debate and you mean to tell me that Trump “won,” well, I’m going to call you on it. I don’t have a problem if you are a Trump supporter, my comment was directed ONLY at the idea that 66% of people voting in the Drudge poll (when I looked at it) said that he won the debate. I don’t care how many different polls taken from basically the same set of people say the same thing. Cheerleading for your candidate is fine—I want Cruz as the nominee and that’s that. If Trump wins, fine, I’ll vote for him too. But objectively speaking I don’t see how he “won” the debate. So, if that now means that I’m off the conservative reservation, which seems to be the modus operandi these days, I guess all the leftists I’ve been fighting with for thirty-some years are going to be mighty surprised.

  16. Mork we’re on the same wave length tonight. I thought the same as you on the debate as did my husband.

    Conservative Tree House, snort.
    One thing about most of the polls sited is you can vote repeatedly and there are some juvenile enough to keep pressing the same button over and over. Perhaps they are “casual participants in the economy” who have nothing else to occupy their time.

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