The Joe Sixpacks of America must demand their country back – IOTW Report

The Joe Sixpacks of America must demand their country back

h/t Joe6pak

American Thinker:


I like to think of myself as Joe Sixpack — the average American guy.  Actually, I’m not Joe, but I’m part of a Joe Sixpack collective.  When my five dear friends and I start talking politics, as we do regularly via email, we come pretty darn close to being a stand-in for the older, middle-class, patriotic American male.  We’re loud, and we’re proud — and we’re deeply frustrated that other Americans who claim to share our values are like mongooses paralyzed by the leftist cobra.

The six of us are geographically, educationally, and experientially diverse.  We live in Maine; the People’s Republic of Connecticut; metro Washington, D.C.; the bright red Shenandoah Valley of western Virginia; South Carolina; Florida; and California.  Our alma maters range from the U.S. Naval Academy to U.C. “Berserkly” to Florida State and points in between.

Three of us are Vietnam combat vets.  We are a CEO of a respected consulting company, an aerospace executive, an I.T. entrepreneur, project management professionals in engineering and construction and in shipbuilding, and a Silicon Valley pioneer.  There’s also a retired USMC colonel who is a naval aviator.  (He is our designated outlier.) more

9 Comments on The Joe Sixpacks of America must demand their country back

  1. As of January 2022, there are 23 states with Democratic governors and 27 states with Republican governors. Imagine what could happen if Republicans got their shit together and acted as one force against this tyrannical regime!

  2. ANON
    It seem you’ve been spying on me. Just because I’m 80 lbs. bigger than when I got my BS/BA. does not mean I no longer can go. Just have a lot more “kinetic energy”! Sostand aside lad!


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