The Kamala Harris Tweet That Shows She’s a Horrible Judge of Character – IOTW Report

The Kamala Harris Tweet That Shows She’s a Horrible Judge of Character

Western Journal: If you’re ever looking for an antidote to the left’s constant, utter nonsense, there’s no better place to find it than the Twitter feed of James Woods.

The actor and conservative commentator had an especially hilarious takedown of California Sen. Kamala Harris, who was just tapped as the vice presidential candidate alongside presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Woods shared a 2019 tweet Harris had published in support of Jussie Smollett, the actor who was found to have perpetrated a hate crime hoax. more here

23 Comments on The Kamala Harris Tweet That Shows She’s a Horrible Judge of Character

  1. Had almost forgotten about this the whole
    Smollett thing. Booker, Harris and no doubt Obama /Soros instigated the whole thing to push their “anti-lynching” “bill”


    Ms Harris had a number of noteworthy connections to the case, not least her friendship with Smollett.

    The two were photographed in January 2018 protesting together at a Kingdom Day Parade in Los Angeles honouring the legacy of Martin Luther King.

    The Senator was one of the first major public figures to come out with a statement about the attack, which she used to promote a stalled – and entirely symbolic – “anti-lynching” bill she had co-authored with fellow Senators Cory Booker and Tim Scott.

  2. No, seriously, who is Jill fucking since Joe knows nothing? Who in the MSM is looking into that?

    Really, Jill’s not a dog. What whelp is servicing her?

    Joe sure as hell can’t.

    He can’t even drive a car.

  3. Back in the day — which was really not that long ago — “60 Minutes” would have investigated all these hoax, so-called “hate crimes” and exposed the bad actors.

    Remember that old joke starting with “You know it’s going to be a bad day when the crew of 60 Minutes shows up at your office”?

    Today the MSM doesn’t even make a pretense of honest reporting. Sheryl Attkinson won’t even touch the subject. Lies of this proportion and importance (“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, “I Can’t Breathe”, the George Zimmerman trial, etc.) that give rise to today’s senseless rioting and the passage of destructive and restrictive legislation across the country need to be exposed for what they are.

    More of the same is what you’d get with Joe/Blow 2020.

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  5. Pee Pads and Knee Pads.
    This would be hilarious, if it weren’t so damn serious.
    Descendent of slave holders, it’s the Democrat placemat.
    We get told all the time, whites are responsible for slavery by somebody’s ancestors, why is that?
    Projection is strong, in this one.

  6. I find it fitting that pedo-joe picked a historic slave owner as his running mate since he has MANY comments on record about how he hates blacks and called them all kinds of names when he was younger AND serving in the grubbermint. He also was a VERY big supporter of senator byrd who was a KKK grand wizard….bite-me-biden is a closeted black-hater and it shows so naturally he will go along with a pretend black woman who HATES blacks and kept them in jail past their release dates just to use them as slave labor.

    I could go on & on with facts about how she treated blacks while in power but it is not worth it since it is all public record.

  7. @cslamer,
    Sheets Byrd, contrary to common belief, was not a Grand Wizard, he was a Kleagle.
    That means he organized, recruited and started a Klan Klavern.
    Pretty despicable, in its own right.
    Hillary loved her some Sheets too.
    Why do Dims get a pass, on their past?

  8. …also, Joe asked her to be his running mate, and she accepted.

    …that ALONE proves she’s a horrible judge of charater, and says the same about HIM…

  9. Yet how many ignorant, frightened, virtue-signaling white women will vote for Biden because she’s on the ticket? Here in Georgia, the media is pushing hard for a state mask mandate, with false reporting, fear-mongering and misrepresentation of statistics. And every time I hear this reporting on the radio, they have some white woman saying, “ We need a mask mandate, because people just can’t be trusted to do it on their own.” Every. Single. Time. A drawling, whiny white woman.

    This is the type of person who doesn’t care that Kamala is an opportunistic fraud. All that matters is that she is a woman of color, and she wants to make us safe. Lord, save us from these mindless Karens.

  10. Kalamity and the Brainless One are hoping Trump Derangement Syndrome and Systemic Stupidity will carry them over the thoroughly finished line in 78 days. If this pair of phonies win the Electoral College, we won’t recognize this country in two years, much less in four years.


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