The Kennedy ‘Brand is not what it used to be’ – IOTW Report

The Kennedy ‘Brand is not what it used to be’

But that swarm of entitled locusts still run for office to this day.


The Kennedy family’s political clout will be tested at the ballot box in 2020.

One member of the nation’s most famous political dynasty will face voters in late summer, with a second leaning toward a late spring contest.

Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Joseph Kennedy III, first elected to the House in 2012, has been practically groomed since childhood to run for higher office and is taking the leap in the Sept. 1 primary. And the not-quite-yet-there candidacy, Amy Kennedy, wife of former Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, reflects the rise of women candidates in national politics broadly and the Kennedy family specifically.

Amy Kennedy, 44, is considering vying for the Democratic nomination in a south New Jersey congressional district. The traditionally Republican district, which covers Atlantic City, is currently held by Rep. Jeff Van Drew, 66, a longtime Democratic lawmaker who switched parties last week to become a Republican over President Trump’s impeachment.

Up the Atlantic coast in Massachusetts, her cousin-in-law, Rep. Kennedy, 39, is running for the Democratic Senate nomination against incumbent Ed Markey — a prize tantamount to a general election win in the deep blue state.

Sen. Ted Kennedy, the father of Amy’s husband, commanded the other Massachusetts Senate seat for almost 47 years before his death in 2009. Rep. Kennedy is running on a platform of generational change more than policy differences with Markey, 73, who won the 2013 Senate special election after representing a suburban House Boston district for more than 36 years.

Both are uphill battles. MORE

12 Comments on The Kennedy ‘Brand is not what it used to be’

  1. And gee I thought that the Kennedy brand was strictly Crown Royal. The only reason you’re there pal is because of your Great Granddaddy’s fortune as a bootlegger and corrupt politician during Prohibition. It’s not the kind of family legacy that I would be proud of.

  2. In the Old Testament, there is a statement saying that the sins of the father shall last until the seventh generation. Jack, Robert and Ted Kennedy were only the second generation. Caroline Kennedy and her cousins are third generation. By my reckoning, they must live for another 80 years (20 years = 1 generation) before they will be a force again.

  3. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of the voters in Massachusetts. They will elect this drooling, shallow, entitled, dumbass. He’s a Kennedy! The entire country owes them another shot (tasteless pun intended) at the Presidency. He’s the perfect Liberal antidope for the Trump Era, which is defined as that glorious period between 2016 and when this Masshole gets defeated running to restore happily-ever-altering Camelot.

  4. We have same problem in Texas with the rash that never goes away known as the Bushs. Lord. Stop. Why in the fook do these scolds think we’re clamoring for their apparently infinite wisdom???

  5. They got nothin.
    They’re in-bred morons incapable of useful employment.
    Corrupt old Joe was the only one with any sense – the rest are just stumbling drunks and drug addicts looking for the next fix and orgasm.

    Politics is the last of the Gold Rush – even an imbecile can strike it rich (see Mad Max Waters, for instance). Look at the Freak Parade of Klowns in the House of Representatives and the Senate!

    Gavin Newsom? Seriously?
    Pete Buttigieg?
    Barry Obola?
    Liz Warren?
    Joey Biden?
    Nancy Pelosi?
    Chuck Schumer?
    Steny Hoyer?

    These people would be mopping shithouses for a living in a sane world.

    izlamo delenda est …


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