The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi – IOTW Report

The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi

The Keystone of Corruption [second part]:Clear evidence now indicates FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried has ripped off countless people to fund the Democrats’ demolition of America.

Political Moonshine:

Yesterday’s article entitled The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal expanded on a mountain of Moonshine work into Ukraine that draws back to 2018 and earlier; even before Moonshine existed and with the work being published at a different website. That article enveloped the FTX scandal that now evidences the now certain Ukrainian money laundering operation that was used to fund the stolen 2022 midterm elections.

Unsurprisingly, the Democratic party was the beneficiary of those funds.

As stated in that succinct article, which is necessary contextual backdrop to what follows,

The corruption is massive and I’ve contended that the Democrats had rigged the global energy sector; not just the one in Ukraine. Moreover, I’ve also contended that the bulk of the corruption is funneling through Ukraine such that it’s serving as the laundering mechanism for it all. That’s what I believe is really happening.Political Moonshine on 01 Jan 20

Political Moonshine on 01 Jan 20

The Moonshine work into Ukraine goes down a primary vector of money laundering operations with the energy sector being the plausible and evidenced conduit. In this exclusive piece from 01 Jun 21 entitled Follow the Money, I wade through a massive but incomplete volume of information and evidence to make the case.

Respective to the timeline and because all of the constructs of enterprise fraud that underpin the deliberate destruction and demolition of the United States – all by design – are reciprocal in their service to one another, we are reminded of illegitimate U.S. President Joe Biden’s highly anomalous, already evidenced and guaranteed to be illegal increase in personal wealth respective to the enterprise fraud construct of the COVID-19 “pandemic.”  MORE

4 Comments on The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi

  1. nice to see Cocaine Mitch and good old Kev signed off on all this……BILLIONS again and again sent without an ounce of oversight.

    The only way this country survives is to bring it all down and start over.


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