The Knock Knock Joke – IOTW Report

The Knock Knock Joke


The ritual started in earnest last fall in the midst of the biggest humiliation of Barack Obama’s presidency, the failure of the health care website. Anytime he heard a sliver of good news, the president reacted the same way: He knocked on the polished cherry wood table in the Roosevelt Room.

It’s a small thing, almost a nervous tic, but Obama’s habit of knocking on wood during Obamacare meetings had become notable, something that close advisers talked and even joked about among themselves.

Obama had always projected the aura of a deeply confident man, someone who on the basis of past experience was justified in assuming that good luck just naturally happened to him. But in the second term, confronted by recurring setbacks and regular reminders of the limits of his power, he began to convey a sense that even hopeful news might be ephemeral, a mirage.

When Obamacare fixer Jeffrey Zients told the president for the first time that the website would finally hold up under a rush of visitors, Obama joined his senior aides in a round of knocking. When the insurance marketplace finally functioned as it should, they knocked. When enrollment numbers picked up in March, they knocked.

In interviews with more than 60 people who have had close dealings with Obama — his aides, lawmakers, friends, historians, critics and outside advisers — the portrait emerges of a president shadowed by a deepening awareness that his time and power are finite, and that two-thirds of his presidency is already in the past tense.




11 Comments on The Knock Knock Joke

  1. “Obama had always projected the aura of a deeply confident man”

    NO. When guys like Barry lack confidence they fall back on being COOL. It’s a defensive mechanism and he’s been doing it since he was a kid.

  2. The article is way off base, almost a cry for sympathy for elmo.

    No way, if his back is against the wall he will go after his ‘enemies’ he will ummm negotiate with terrorists, he will surely over reach executive power, he will coddle the muzz, global warming, spotlight more sexual deviants, become an almost unstoppable threat to our nation.

    Between now and Jan 2017 he will be most dangerous.

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