The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended – IOTW Report

The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended

CTH: The pesky thing about the truth is its figurative ambivalence to any feelings or emotions that surrounds it. A few counter-intuitive media appearances by Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, highlights this point succinctly.

Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller has been brilliantly monitoring the statements by far-left Clinton sycophant/convenient Cohen lawyer, Lanny Davis. Two big admissions today are toxic to the previously preferred media narrative.

In one interview Lanny Davis tells CNN, per his client, candidate Donald Trump had no knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya. more

18 Comments on The Lanny Davis Gig Isn’t Turning Out The Way Media Intended

  1. I still remember this Clinton shill defending his clients during Clinton’s Impeachment and her assaults on the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy right up to the discovery of the blue dress with the Presidential Seal of Approval. Then, he became her defender as a woman wrongly treated by people who didn’t understand her anguish. He and Cohen deserve one another.

  2. So where does this leave David Pecker and Dylan Howard, who claim to corroborate Michael Cohen’s story? The media is orgasmic about those two. Is Mueller just writing the statements he needs, and then finding Trump associates to coerce into signing them? It sure looks that way.

  3. MJA, that’s what I believe. This time next week, Decker and Howard will have been quietly ground into nothingburgers, as Mueller announces a fresh immunity deal with Trump’s golf course architect.

  4. From the article:

    “In one interview Lanny Davis tells CNN, per his client, candidate Donald Trump had no knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya.

    (Via Daily Caller) […] “So Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Davis.

    “No, he does not,” replied Davis, a longtime Clinton insider who started representing Cohen earlier this summer.”

    Anyone else here see what Anderson Pooper did there?

  5. Czar of Defenestration

    “Impeachment AIN’T gonna happen.”

    If they thought they had a shot at it they would try. There’s another way of getting him out of office too. Which would cause the same reaction. We know who the people are now. And Q, believe in him or not, played a big part in that.
    But what Rudy is saying needs to be said. Deplorables realize the Republic is now at stake.

  6. The people will indeed be revolting if Trump is impeached, but the gruberment is already beyond revolting.

    BTW, what form is of open revolt is likely to be most effective? Asking for a friend.


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