The Largely Unknown Legal Concept that Could Destroy Hillary Clinton for Good – IOTW Report

The Largely Unknown Legal Concept that Could Destroy Hillary Clinton for Good

LibertyNews– The number of scandals now surrounding Hillary Clinton is staggering. And her extraordinary ability to somehow cover her tracks is equally impressive. Albeit disgusting and infuriating.

There is no question the storm clouds of justice are beginning to swirl above the Clinton machine. The unfortunate truth, however, is that such a storm has brewed before and the Clinton machine got out without any damage.

Turns out a legal concept is in play here that, if embraced by those with the power to move forward with it, could completely destroy any chances Clinton has of becoming President. The legal concept is known as “spoliation of evidence.” Something Clinton is undoubtedly familiar with and probably quietly terrified of.  more

12 Comments on The Largely Unknown Legal Concept that Could Destroy Hillary Clinton for Good

  1. The Clintons are intimately connected to any agency which could possibly harm them. That is why they have NO fear of any sort of justice on this Earth.

    The FBI, CIA, NSA, DoJ, ASP, and the NPS are all compromised in defending, or covering up, Clinton shenanigans over the past 30 years.

  2. Yep, to the lofos – all of the Clinton’s illegal and treasonous activities in the chase for power and money, is just a “vast right-wing conspiracy” – and the lofos see conservatives as the enemy above anyone else. They will do ANYTHING, even burn down their own house to poke conservatives in the eye for a cheap thrill.

  3. who exactly is supposed to care about hillary’s misdeeds?
    the same idiots who voted for obama twice?
    if you think electing the right person to the office will make all the difference in the world, there is a bridge in brooklyn ny I want you to consider purchasing.
    if your vote mattered you wouldn’t have it.
    ask the central bankers.
    “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”
    – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

  4. Hillary Clinton could fire newborn puppies out of a cannon and into the east river, and her base will still vote for her (multiple times, as they did with Obama). Our only hope is that Bernie or Martin destroy her in their own primaries, and expose her for what she really is…

  5. Recall that Trey Gowdy used this concept to turn the IRS Chief Asshole® into a bloody stool at the House hearings late last year. They were discussing the one-in-a-billion coincidence that Lerner’s hard drive crash, as did the back-up servers.

    This is the legal concept equivalent of painting one’s self into a corner. With a rattlesnake.

  6. Legal principles are just fine, but you first need to get the perp into a courtroom before a judge and jury who are willing to hang said legal principles right in the perp’s ass.

    Not with this President controlling this DOJ.

  7. Unfortunately over time the Communists in our midst are numerous and highly placed. In fact, they are within the halls of our government all the way to the White House, and in my opinion the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is one of them. The Communists warned us about this usurpation of our governmental system some 70 years ago.
    To wit: “When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it we will.” Alexander Trachtenberg at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944
    Lock and load.

  8. I was prepared to post something about how most people must be familiar with the practice of burning witches when I read the headline, but discovered the article was unexpectedly actually about spoilation laws.

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