The Lasting Shame of Bill Barr – IOTW Report

The Lasting Shame of Bill Barr

Emerald Robinson:

President Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr has been trying to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation in the last month with regular guest appearances on Fox News as he hawks his new book. The mendacity on display has been breathtaking. Never have so many lies been told on television for the sake of selling a bad memoir by an unreliable narrator. Fox News is happy to encourage Barr’s rewriting of history now because Fox News wants the history to be rewritten: both of them got caught colluding with Democrats to throw the election to Joe Biden in 2020 — and nobody trusts them anymore. It’s a perfect marriage of convenience for these grifters.

The problem with Bill Barr’s version of events regarding the laptop is clear to anyone who owns a calendar. Allow me to summarize it in simple terms. Who was the Attorney General when the FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2019, and thus who allowed the FBI to hide it from the public in order to help Joe Biden before the 2020 election? Bill Barr.

That’s not a question that anyone is going to ask Bill Barr at the lefty outlets where he likes to puff himself these days. Of course, there are plenty of contenders for Bill Barr’s least favorite question. Here’s another one: who was the Attorney General when the FBI fabricated an entire militia group for the Governor Whitmer kidnapping hoax that was used to hurt President Trump before the 2020 election? more here

22 Comments on The Lasting Shame of Bill Barr

  1. Is it perhaps that there is a chance that the midterms are going to be such a bloodbath for the marxist democrats that ol’ billy might just be held accountable for his actions thus he wants to get on everyone’s good side?

    Every action has its consequence Bill!

  2. If I saw Bill Barr struggling in a deep lake, screaming help, I’m drowning; I’d throw that rotten pile of Donkey Dung a big rock. Few men are more despicable.

  3. If you’re part of the DC establishment, then you are, by definition, a lying, two-faced, full of shit asshole, and probably a crook too. If you’re not, then you won’t be let into that club. They actually test you too.

    All these assholes are good for is the occasional sound byte to lift flagging spirits. But they rarely, if ever, follow through with anything meaningful at all. Barr is no different.

  4. “…So let’s summarize the recent career of Bill Barr:…All of these failures go in one direction too: they aided Democrats in defeating a very popular sitting President in favor of a senile man who funnels shady business deals with Chinese communists through his crack-head son…”

    It took a while for her to get to the money statement, but there it is. But she forgot to add that the hollow puppet residing in 1600 is controlled by Marxist communist ideologues hell-bent on destroying the greatest country in the world.

  5. He was a Failure.
    Now an entire Globe is paying from the aftermath of his inaction.

    I have no understanding of how an investigation into the Laptop could not have come from the top Legally.

  6. I used to enjoy catching up sometimes with Gutfeld…used to. Happened to see Barr getting a tongue bath from Greg and the crew & that was it.

    I can only assume that Barr was on his Rewriting History Tour and Greg knows who signs his check.

    I like to watch Tucker the morning after when I do my CV, sure hope if Barr makes it there some hard questions ensue.

    As an aside, the appointment of Barr underscores the problem I have with DJT. Yes he accomplished so much, I’m not taking a thing away from the man, Steel & Aluminum tariffs, the wall, deregulation, energy independence, immigration reform, tax rate cuts…but he could have done better with so many of the fucking back stabbers he did appoint.

    Barr is right up there for #1 WORST. Barr had the power to come down like a ton of bricks on the massive election fraud. But of course anyone that started a national movement as a previous AG to solicit as many state AGs as he could to persuade the government NOT to prosecute
    Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who murdered Vicki Weaver, I believe we can assume has a skewed vision of justice. Just for good measure he also shot an unarmed Randy Weaver in the back.

    Trump should have known this and avoided this scum like a red hot poker. Just like Pence’s abdication to gays when he was governor should have told Trump old Mike would fold like wet kleenex. Which he did on 1/6

    But he got a great book deal! (sold like 9 copies)

  7. He needs to hit up Hannity & Levin for a couple of shows too. When Barr resigned, Levin gave the guy such a eulogy it was unbelievable. btw, Levin is having Dr. Oz back on since the Trumpster gave Mehmet his blessing. smh…

  8. I have questions – and no answers. Maybe someone here does…

    1. Who, in all the Federal bureaucracies, can Trump trust now?

    2. Who is willing to enter government and work with Trump in a second term?

    3. Who does Trump want in his second administration?

    4. Who in their right mind would want to participate in ANY administration?

    5. Who would DeSantis bring in and why?

    The Presidency is not a one-man band.

  9. Things are getting rather intense out there. Gas prices are a constant reminder that we are being managed into serfdom. Right now you’re either a Patriot or a Traitor. And Barr’s a fucking traitor.

  10. General Malaise

    1. Who, in all the Federal bureaucracies, can Trump trust now?

    Not a single one of them. Not one entity or individual has our or American best interests at heart.

  11. JDHasty

    Honestly my concern too. There’s a Biz saying, You Dance With Who Brung Ya. He should have known better than to cuddle up to some of the clowns and jokers he did. Further more If Rich Grenell were still DNI when the elections took place I think Trump might be in office right now. I dunno. I’m sure it’s a much more complex undertaking than we can even imagine. Was he required to make concessions to Turtle Boy? My thoughts are he is a quick learner. Let’s put him back in there and hopefully he goes scorched earth.

  12. He’s one of many who believe they can change history by repeating their preferred version of it. But his true colors are always shinning through and they ain’t pretty.


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