The latest uncovered Gruber video adds pack to the coming punch – IOTW Report

The latest uncovered Gruber video adds pack to the coming punch

Will Gruber be the architect of the bulldozer that dismantles Obamacare?

(yes, I know engineers design bull dozers!!)

ht/ Just the tip

5 Comments on The latest uncovered Gruber video adds pack to the coming punch

  1. Speaker Boehner and his hand picked Progressive leadership have already begun the “We can’t repeal Obamacare. Its too late.” BS. Boehner has to GO along with his Progressive talking minions. We did NOT want it and we still don’t want it. What in it is about FREEDOM? NOTHING! FULLY REPEAL OBAMACARE!

  2. They’re all a bunch of effing liars. So tired of their crap. Hope there is justice for them and they all rot in hell. What the Bible says about liars applies to every one of them.

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