The Least-Free State – IOTW Report

The Least-Free State

New York continues to be ranked one of the ‘least free’ states, new survey shows.
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17 Comments on The Least-Free State

  1. Between NYS and the state, almost a million people have left! If it’s the Least Free state, GET OUT NOW while you still can cuz it ain’t gonna get any better! The trending shows it’s only going to get worse as Leftists grab for more and more power!

  2. I live on the East End of the Island where our gun rights are measurably better than my fellow Suffolk County residents because our pistol permits are issued by the Sheriff instead of the Suffolk County PD who appear to have recruited their staff from the City

  3. “The Cato Institute also offered advice on how New York can improve its rankings.”

    Yeah, no; I don’t think NY is interested in taking advice from anyone; they already have all the answers.

  4. Really excellent site (linked to in the article) that details the hell out of each ranking and breaks down every state for every factor considered in both the personal and economic freedom indices. A very long read to get through it all, but absolutely explains everything.


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