The left gets even sicker – IOTW Report

The left gets even sicker

American Thinker: Every time you think the left could not possibly sink any lower, you get proof that it can.  Here is a Canadian female “journalist” concerned that the contributions to families of the victims of the horrible bus crash of a junior hockey league team in Saskatchewan are substantial only because they are going to families of white males, those who are privileged.  This is where identity politics takes you, and the left is completely wedded to it (via Matt Vespa, Townhall):

Nora Loreto @NoLore

This is a lot of money. 

Nora Loreto @NoLore

I’m trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role.


14 Comments on The left gets even sicker

  1. A demonstration of what liberal indoctrination does to a young brain. A shame someone with that degree of self hatred and desperation to show compassion could be hired to report news.

  2. the left is so crazy and they act so superior to us deplorables.. makes me sick.
    Time for us conservatives to get a bit physical with these bitches
    problem is I don’t know who the men or women are any more

  3. She’s gotta be mentally ill to make such sick, narcissistic comments like that!
    No doubt celebrity-obsessed
    Absolutely White guilt-ridden
    This C_nt is clicking off all the boxes. I’ll bet she even has a COEXIST bumper sticker on her Prius while driving around thru life in a Politically Correct smoke-screen!

  4. For some reason, the liberals from former and current Brit colonies, commonwealth nations, and Old Blimey (UK) itself are sicker and more ‘effed up than US liberals. The only reasonable conclusion is that US conservatives are the only strong force left in the world to defend freedom. KEEP YOUR GUNS FOR THE COMING SHOWDOWN.

  5. celebrity-obsessed is right.

    I hate Hollywood celebrities. As I mentioned on Twitter, before I got kicked off, we should not call them stars, we should call them ASS-teroids.

  6. How to identify a liberal woman:

    every other word is the Eff word.
    they have tats all over.
    they beat up liberal wussy men.
    their first names are usually “Kate” or “Medea”.
    they hate guns but love trashing private property.
    strong tongue muscles

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