The left is apoplectic over a girl, a white dress, and an AR-10 – IOTW Report

The left is apoplectic over a girl, a white dress, and an AR-10

American thinker: The left lays special claim on so-called “Millennials,” the latest class of brainwashed zombies to roll out of their four-year indoctrination factories who are programmed to be even more liberal than their predecessors, in favor of things like “social justice,” men pretending to be women, and increasingly confiscatory gun control.

Imagine, then, how threatened they must be by one of their own who turns against them.

23 Comments on The left is apoplectic over a girl, a white dress, and an AR-10

  1. Pretty sweet looking little woman…. made even more delightful by her possession of a fully semi-automatic (evil, black) rifle…. of course, the little white dress doesn’t hurt a bit….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. What she is carrying is not an assault rifle. But it MAY properly be referred to as a ‘Battle Rifle’. It is a major caliber (.308 or the NATO designation 7.62X51).

    It will teach bad guys the stark difference between cover and concealment.

  3. The second Amendment is NOT about guns.

    The Second Amendment is the God given right to self defense against evil people and evil governments.

    THAT is why the Founding fathers included the right of the people (NOT militias) shall NOT be infringed.

    They wrote that in the day for muskets, yet it was NOT about muskets. Because when they wrote the Second Amendment the arms for the armed military was…muskets. Yet somehow the definition changed because we have a different kind of musket in the armed forces today? That is just as silly an argument as saying that the freedom of the press is only supposed to include a feather quill and a pot of ink.

    The God given right to self defense is the basis that gives all other God given rights their meaning. Does the right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment have any meaning for someone who has died? Does the murder victim really need a right of free speech? No, without the God given right to self defense all of the other Amendments loose their blessings.

    The founders saw that government too often becomes the scourge of man and must be restrained. It is the recognition and declaration of God given rights that restrains our government. Those who wish to free the beast, no matter their good intentions, should be schooled in all of the excesses that government unrestrained has wrought throughout human history.

    MSG Grumpy

  4. If I have to look at fat women in their underwear when I open a catalog, two men kissing when I go to the movies, a black thug with a “F–K the Police” shirt when I turn on the news, then you lefties are going to have to suffer through the sight of a girl and her big, scary gun when you hop on Twitter. You don’t own provocation and conditioning. Like Kurt Schlichter said, the Left is not going to like the new rules.

  5. That pic is kryptonite to David Hogg. He has no idea what to do with anything in that picture, and he certainly doesn’t want to touch any of it.

  6. This is outrageous. The liberal elite does not permit our young people to attend college to think or act independently. But I can’t criticize this young woman for her actions because it is obviously either a problem with Kent State’s indoctrination, err, educational system or a failure of Kent State’s applicant screeners to catch this potential student at the application phase.

    Hillary Clinton would have instituted a U.S. gulag, err, reeducation system just for cases like this. The young woman is not responsible for her actions because she is clearly a deplorable, but certain Kent State administrators and faculty can benefit from a few years of forced labor in order to ponder upon and reevaluate their commitment to correct thinking and forced ideals as set out by their betters.

  7. Finally, a rifle with “hi-powered” ammunition.
    .223, a .22 on steroids.
    If it’s not over .30 caliber and over 100 grams bullet weight, it’s just a toy.
    I applaud her choices in accessories.

  8. Bearing down on communalists with a knight’s fork?

    Proving why RINOs are the brightest and best the communalists’ enemies lists can muster?
    same as it ever was

  9. Smart woman. Independent, atractive and conservative – a triple threat to the left, particularly, the crack-affect millennial feminists who look and think like crack addicts.

  10. Ummm… not to put too fine a point on it, but a 100 gram projectile would be more than twice the size of the .50 BMG at surplus weight of around 661 grains. 100 grams is something like 1543.some grains.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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