The Left Is On The Run After Last Night’s Elections – IOTW Report

The Left Is On The Run After Last Night’s Elections

10 Comments on The Left Is On The Run After Last Night’s Elections

  1. My only question regarding politicians now is who is fighting for these January 6th detainees??? Trump isn’t. And that hurts him. DeSantis isn’t. Obviously RINOS like McConnell and McCathey aren’t. WTF? I was so pro-Trump until this. This could have been me if I decided to go down to Washington on that fateful day.

  2. Every lawyer on that kangaroo court of December 6h hearings should get together and have their clients say the same exact statement to the American public, “I am a victim of the democrats. the FBI and CIA are in on this. I cannot win because top officials of the CIA and FBI are in cahoots with the democratic party to make my non-illegal offense a major offense to CNN.

  3. You’re killing me Smalls. 2 party system? HAHAHAHA

    Where’s the relevant comment from our Dominion commenter?

    If the last 28 months have shown ANYONE ANYFUCKINGTHING it’s that for the most part, the 200 million sane people in this country are flyover rubes and TPTB could care any less about WTF we want, need or desire and…

    voting HARDERER is a GD joke.

    DJT just endorsed McCarthy. This is very same guy(Paul Ryan’s room mate) that DENOUNCED Trump a few years ago. DJT STILL is praising the vax and Operation Warp Speed. Yes, he was the best president in my lifetime but them dayz are gone.

    It’s a river of blood in our future and you have 1 of 2 choices for this side…
    be prepped or
    get close to our Father

  4. As much as I like Trump I think he is making catastrophic tactical errors. Unless he changes course he is not electable. And I’m one that believes he’s the best man for president. He won’t get off the jab, he has no problem endorsing rinos. He is not making a MAJOR issue out of the J6 political prisoners. I don’t think he is a serious candidate, and I’m not happy in saying so.

  5. joe6pak

    Trump once said he could shoot someone dead on main street and still get elected. Nothings changed. Trump’s point is he fast tracked a potential solution like never before. Are the claims about the jab pure hysteria? I think a lot of them are. I’ve had the two. I’m still almost alive. Am I getting a booster? Oh fuck no. Having said all that Trump should spend more time talking about the right to try. He is heavily invested in fast tracking the jab. And he did take it. I dunno. I do know a lot of what I read about the jab is pure horse shit.

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