The Left no longer cares about civil rights – IOTW Report

The Left no longer cares about civil rights

Patriot Retort: For all their twaddle about what’s the next big civil rights issue, Democrats and the news media really don’t give the hairy ass of a rat about civil rights.

And their reaction to this memo is proof of that.

The Fourth Amendment is crystal clear.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The FBI and DOJ used an unverified bit of political opposition research funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee as their “probable cause” to spy on an American citizen.

And their “affirmation” or “oath” conveniently left out the fact that this “evidence” was opposition research funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

Yet the Democrats and their publicists in the news media are treating this clear violation of the Fourth Amendment as a “nothing burger.”

They don’t care about civil rights.

So long as you are a political opponent, your civil rights no longer apply.

Last night, conservative columnist Derek Hunter retweeted this excellent thread from an attorney named Robert Barnes.

And I definitely think it might help you to understand just why this abuse of the FISA court is a wee bit more than a “nothing burger.”  Read them here

9 Comments on The Left no longer cares about civil rights

  1. the leftards have finally shown their true colors (not that we ever doubted it in the first place). they have ‘come out’ & now the rest of the world knows for a fact that they are the true Fascists, only believing in the power of government over the people & are thoroughly against the concept of the United States & the Constitution

  2. Apparently I’ve posted the Spanish version…Back to cleaning

    IOTWR toilets…..

    I know I only contribute a mere pittance to keep this site

    operational…But can’t We get some better cleaning supplies?

    Seriously..WTF is Whysol? Janitor in a Jar?

  3. This: “If people do not go to jail for this, we have ceased to be a Constitutional Republic.”

    I’m still waiting for the responsible parties to be put in prison (though, again, not holding my breath that that will actually happen).

  4. They’ve never cared. And if things go as usual, this time will end up with no prosecutions, again.

    Americans are extremely damn sick and tired of aristocratic government criminals running the country and getting away with everything.

    If justice were ‘blind’, the clintons and obama would be in jail, along with Reid, Pelosi, Waters, lunch, holder, and on and on and on.

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