The Left Will Never Leave Conservatives Alone — Even When They Surrender – IOTW Report

The Left Will Never Leave Conservatives Alone — Even When They Surrender

Daily Caller:Conservatives should “compromise” on transgenderism, according to a National Review column published Wednesday.

Readers are immediately introduced to the submissive nature of the piece with the subheadline: “Cautious conservatives should work to preserve a peaceful and free social order.”

The author, National Review Online columnist J.J. McCullough, argues that conservatives are too “demagogic” and “immature” on the transgender issue. McCullough believes that transgenderism is a fact of life and conservatives must acquaint themselves to this new sign of progress.

His proposed compromise requires conservatives stop using the wrong gender pronouns and accept that transgender people aren’t going away. The Left, under this hypothetical compromise, would have to promise to stop wielding state power to impose the dictates of the transgender agenda.

Conservatives must make this accommodation because their reactionary demagoguery “rationalizes petty tyranny on the left,” according to McCullough.

The National Review writer boldly concludes that American history “ultimately” vindicates “cautious conservatives who assign themselves the difficult task of thoughtfully working through the new and unexpected in the cause of preserving a social order as peaceful and free as the one that came prior.”

By vindication, I can only assume McCullough means the new social order welcomes the conservatives who capitulate to it. They’re never the heroes of the story.  more here

24 Comments on The Left Will Never Leave Conservatives Alone — Even When They Surrender

  1. We have to think like them so they won’t think we’re bad. LOL. How’d that work for the Republicans up until Trump? Even the non-Rino ones who gave a little got nothing in return.

  2. Let me be coarse, as is my ususal preference. Screw National Review and Mr. McCullough too! Here’s to excessive demagoguery and immaturity!! It can clear the mind of leftist fatuity…

  3. Conservatives still read #NeverTrump magazine? Why?
    I honestly don’t care if people are gay or tranny or whatever, but they have no business trying to dictate what fucking language and grammar I use. That goes for muslims and “minorities” as well. Free speech, bitches.

  4. If someone doesn’t like what I have to say, that’s his problem. The more the left demands I change my behavior to fit in with their screwed up version of reality, the more blunt and outspoken I am. I will not kowtow to a bunch of lunatics and halfwits.

  5. I remember back in the ’60’s when we were told to use the terms “black” and “Afro-American.” Now we are called racist if we use the terms “black” and “Afro-American.”

    Doesn’t this clown realize that as soon as conservative white men start using the “proper” pronouns, those pronouns will suddenly be deemed “offensive?” Isn’t he remotely aware of the history of the past fifty years? He must think that maybe the left will kick him last.

  6. There are just two sexes and just one normal way for them to combine along the clear lines of their design. Marriage = one man plus one woman (not related, not forced)

    Any other sexual combination is either insane, evil, immoral, sinful, illogical, unnatural, perverse, or suboptimal.

  7. I chose to compromise with leftist sexual deviates, but instead of those made-up pronouns, I just use “asshole.” Instead of “he” or “she,” they’re just assholes as in “that asshole annoyed me.” Or “that book belongs to that asshole.”

    For some reason, the LGBT etc. community is taking issue with my good faith language compromise. Go figure.

  8. Remember when people just wanted to be “left alone”?
    What happened to that?
    And why are gays allowing themselves to get lumped in with people who think they’re mermaids and people who fuck trees and or marry their children?!

  9. You compromise on details.
    You DON’T compromise on principles.
    Otherwise they aren’t principles.

    As in the Biblical Sodom, the perverts weren’t content to practice their perversions – they demanded participation.
    Today they demand your acceptance – tomorrow they will demand your participation and the participation of your children and grand-children.

    Look at the Smoke-Nazis success.
    From: “Would you mind not smoking?”
    To: Cities trying to outlaw smoking in your own house and car.

    Control of others’ lives is (apparently) a more heinous drug than Heroin.
    (certainly more damaging to the body politic)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. So…

    The plane crashes on an island. In the middle of the ocean. And after two weeks you’ve not seen a sign of another person. Besides your fellow survivors.

    Three of your fellows swear to their God that they will kill you if you blaspheme Him. And will not share their food with you if you do not pray properly.

    Another called a “village” meeting, to tell you all, he’ll be doing the Fish’s science. Killing and eating people, when the Fish commands. One of your number disappeared a week ago. The Fish’s Bicycle (that’s what he insists you call him, now) said that the Fish commanded it, so it wasn’t his fault that somebody disappeared.

    How many of you will be guarding the Fish’s Bicycle, while he sleeps? To protect him from harm. How many of you will be watching over the Fish’s Bicycle’s guards? To ensure their safety while they sleep. You know it’s the right thing to do. It’s what Saint Ronny would have wanted. Honest. The Fish said so.

  11. Out of my own life experience I say, don’t ever compromise. Don’t ever give up on your convictions in order to try to satisfy someone else. You’ll always be wrong in their eyes and, worst of all, in your own conscience.


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